Lillywy00's Blog
Incompetent Opportunistic Disneyland Dad….
Yesterday (and on at least two other past occasions) I had to turn down men who are better qualified than this idiot over here.
I can't describe the disappointment I felt knowing that I settled for someone who is emotionally unavailable, has nothing to offer me (except free childcare/free household labor/complaints on a silver platter), and that I know within my soul I can attract a better quality man
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Dreading Spawn Invasion
Every weekend I have come to loathe spawn invasions because it usually comes along with walking on eggshells in my own space I pay bills in, cleaning up after 3 lazy dirty slobs, having to complain multiple times about noise levels, going into "ready" or "full combat" with Disney Day over his lack of boundaries, structure, and orderlieness
Moreso after Delusional Disneyland Dad argued with me about wtf he was cooking dinner at 11:30pm last Saturday and accused me of "being mad that his kids were hungry"
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Bioparents Take Care Of Your Sick Kids
With COVID season here and ramping up there will be no shortage of sociopathic insensitive careless nasty bioparents who shove the skids (with their infectious diseases) off on anyone with a pulse
Not only do these opportunistic bioparents not care if their sick kids compromise your health they enjoy it.
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Every time You Leave The House….
....They need to be scared lol!
I cancelled my plans with No-Boundary Disneyland "Dad" after the horrible behavior from him and his kids (because of him).
I am wearing a cute body con dress, chandelier earring, fresh hair and nails, stilettos....walking right past him make sure he sees.
Skids can have him and this house. I don't want it. And I don't want to live with these unrefined people who look and act like hillbilly animals.
Im leaving before his kids wake up and I have to be fake nice to the disrespectful demon seeds
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Stepmothers on Strike!!!
im not married
probably not ever going to get to that point with this Disneyland Dude.
But I thought this article was interesting and exactly how I feel.
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Don’t Bring That Mess In Here - Pt 2
Holding disrespectful skids and their inconsiderate bio parents accountable.....
Delusional No-Boundary Guilt Riddled Disneyland Dad decides to feed his aggressively needy kids food at 10:45 pm (after I reminded him earlier in the day to give them a meal so they wouldn't be hungry late-night and be disruptive by foraging for food during quiet hours
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Note to Skids - Opt Out!
Is it just me or am I the only one relieved when Skids OPT OUT of overnight visitations.
Dudes who have multiple kids is just ...:: whew! Double/triple/quadruple etc the headaches, battles, eggshells in your own home, and drains on your resources
As I've mentioned it's not necessarily those skids per say (although they do have their annoying moments) but their idiotic parents who have horrid parenting skills and make life unnecessarily tumultuous for everyone around them
This dude seems to think having just one of his kids is easier.
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Do NOT Bring That Mess In Here!!!
Inspired by you all holding these maladjusted bio parents responsible, I FINALLY took action regarding his lack of boundaries with his kids (especially late at night and early in the morning.
Backstory: this dude, that payment plan pr0stitut3, and those skids seem to think everything is an emergency
Well telling maladjusted bio parents that their parenting skill are deficient and to tighten up is like dragging an old smelly alley cat for a bath.
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I changed my mind about being a step-parent
I don't want it!
......Just as I was feeling MAJOR relief that this dude told his kids NO for a weekend (y'all have no clue how almost two weeks free from his baggage works WONDERS for my stress levels)
......Someone please tell me why tf ((9 days into my 14 day skid-free home) I look up and this dudes kid is mean mugging me as she traipses her messy "fake injury" tail up in my peaceful abode
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The “Evil” Step Parent
Realizing I turned into that type of step mother when I:
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