Lillywy00's Blog
Coming to terms with it
Ok so I cried my eyes out for 3 days to the point I looked like it got hit in the eyes with a bag of nickels and my face was raw from all the tears.
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I got approved
Game over for Disneyland Dad and this relationship
Ironically when he realized I was dead a$$ serious about leaving is when he started acting like he had some damn sense / cajones regarding boundaries with his ex wife and kids.
All the sh*t that has drove me up the wall
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Got conditional approval
Not sure what it means but at least it's not flat out rejection.
Unfortunately I had to enlist my wealthy narcissistic tendency family member to help. They payed a chunk of my credit card to boost my credit score and agreed to co-sign.
The downside is the WNF is traveling and can't turn their documents in and playing the blame game ("well if you would have turned your app in sooner I could have turned my docs in before traveling" "um look, I work two jobs and I turned my docs in as soon as they were requested")
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Lazy Disneyland Dad
Tell me why I walk in this house (after a half a day of disengagement) and this dude has ONE of his kids for less than 24 hours yet he's sleeping / laid out like he ran a full marathon with those kids on his back lololol!!!!!
His son is wasting space, on his unlimited gaming spree, inhaling food, all while disneyland dad is doing below bare minimum/sleeping mid day.
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Skids Mostly Opted Out This Weekend
Thank heavens.
Im really better able to cope with living with them if it's only 1 night a week. Or two nights every other weekend.
Layaway plan breeder was really dumb to go from "I'm leaving town with the kids" (as a way to get revenge on oblivious Disneyland "dad") to "I'm going to move back in town, start a 24/7 B*tch Beck n Call service, and bog the Disneyland dad down with kids so he has no life and entitled skids are front and center"
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Disneyland Parents & "The Kids Are In My Possession" BS
One major thing that burns me up about Disneyland parents is how they seem to think they're these magnificient parents just becuase their kids are being raised by grandma/wife/auntie/the house half or more of their parenting time
Disneyland dad: "Yeah I'm a great dad!"
Me: "Dude, your kids are being raised by grandma/wife/auntie/the house. You're not even present"
Disneyland dad: Doubles down....."But the kids are in my possession though"
TIFU ordering groceries before skid takeover
...I'm hiding my shit and rationing it out before those skids touchdown and inhale everything in sight
I don't mind doing a little bit to provide snacks for those kids (not trying to be a full on a$&hole) but I am not about to do the full shebang weekend grocery shopping for this dude because I refuse to majorly help him on the weekends so he will get the point "I'm not your mommy, I'm not your provider, and I'm not your free live in nanny"
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I did it!!!!
Apartment app discreetly submitted
I need every positive thought I can get so I can safely gtfooh
If everyone can say or think a positive prayer maybe it will help.
If I get approved this will be golden! It will be several steps UP from this situation.
Since it was Disneyland "dad's" birthday weekend he thought he was going to get pacified with obligatory routine seggsual activities.
I declined. I can't even muster the strength to pretend I'm seggsually attracted to him anymore.
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B*tch Beck & Call Service
.... 24/7 mobile hotline down!
(temporarily at least)
I was half asleep when I hear dude saying over and over "Siri find my iPhone"
Then as he realizes he's about to start running late for work, he gets more frustrated and starts yelling "SIRI FIND MY IPHONE"
I couldn't help but laugh inside when I can sense the frustration that he's running around like a chicken with its head cut off and about to be late for work and his BB&C service is at risk of being out-of-service
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Emotions All Over The Place
I'm finding myself going from highly annoyed when dude randomly imports his kids on the weekends (variable days/times and rarely informs me in advance) to feeling extreme guilt during the week when he's more normal (and I don't have to be negatively impacted by his Disneyland parenting/skid imports where I can't plan/prepare for them bc he won't tell me the exact day/time until absolute last minute)
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