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noidea1010's Blog

Why, why, why?

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Why do I continue to let myself put in the middle of SO and SD? Literally, on his crappy couch. Something I have fought before, but apparently still hasn't gotten through his thick head.

Why do I let SD12 work me up? By telling me, while I'm playing with my dog, that I can leave because my dog doesn't need me there anymore. Where I am forced to be the "adult" and not get up and literally show her who has my dogs' loyalties.

Unreasonable Request??

noidea1010's picture

Is it unreasonable to want a picture of myself and SO up in his house? I have pictures of us up in mine, even one with SD and myself. Yet anytime SO talks about pics in his house, it's all THREE of us.

What? our relationship can't be represented in your house without SD? I can understand wanting one of all three of us, but we can't have one of just the two of us?

Two most imporant parenting traits/issues - Cast your vote!

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If you had to choose only two parenting traits that were most important, what would they be?

Mine would be manners and respect. I don't want to eat with a pig. I also don't want to go over to other people houses and have SD tracking in dog poop (even though she knows it on her shoes), going into bedrooms, taking things that aren't hers, etc. I also think that she should speak to me when I walk in a room. I am not invisible, I don't have a a cloak of invisibility, no matter how cool I think one would be.

What two things would you choose to feel the most strongly about?


noidea1010's picture

SO has a court date for his divorce
The counselor suggested it might be helpful to me to help him prepare for it.
BM is fighting it. She doesn’t want to lose her health insurance that SO is paying for. She feels that he needs to take care of her.
BM has taken to taking swipes at me, because she feels I’m the reason that SO is pushing this.
She’s not wrong, I would have left him.
He also claims to want to marry me, so that again makes it my fault.
She took another jab at me Monday. He was stupid enough to tell me.

PASing begins, my first taste...

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BM is starting to get even crazier and has had "talks" with SD12. Ones that say her and her bf "know" that SO is saying bad things about her (BM) and not to believe them. Um...unless he's saying them when I'm not around, it's not happening. I don't know how to respond to this or even if I should. It's his child. If I say nothing to her, is there something I can recommend to him or am I just there for support?

Disengage - Not my problem (repeat this as long as needed)

noidea1010's picture

So I had a wonderful non-SK weekend away. SO was not there either, but that was actually better anyways after his dumbass behavior during the week.

I came back yesterday and went over to SO's for dinner, then to a softball game (SO and I play for a co-ed team). I hadn't really seen SD12 all week due to schedules. So when we left to go to the game, SD gets in my car with her DS. "SD, there are no DSs in my car. It's not long to the park, why don't you look around." SD- "fine". It's a pet peeve of mine, once I can't seem to disengage from.

Anyone else get the anger taken out on them when BM pisses off DH/SO?

noidea1010's picture

So yesterday, SO calls me very upset and tells me that BM is stupid. ...OK, we both already knew that, I don't see that being news. He proceeds to start into a rant about what she did, but someone walks into my office. So I tell him to hold on, which he doesn't. I say it again, still going. Finally I yelled, "Hey!" Then asked him to wait a minute. He hung up on me.
