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RedWingsFan's Blog

She's back and I'm miserable :(

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So, BM gave in and went back to the 50/50 but still said she plans on pursuing court. Whatever. I don't know why she would even drop the mini bitch off then. She got to our place at 6pm last night and just walked in like nothing had ever happened. Started chatting with dear daddy as if they hadn't just been estranged for the past few months. And he just kissed her ass the entire time!

Update on the BM mediation debacle

RedWingsFan's picture

So, I drafted that email to BM that you could read in the last blog and DH sent it to her with a 48 hour response request. She'd originally tried forcing DH to go to mediation to change the parenting plan so she has more time and can file for an increase in CS.

Her response: The mediator cannot make an appointment unless we both agree to go. I really wish you would talk with him since the courts are going to REQUIRE it anyway. Let me know what you want to do.

BM wants to modify parenting plan in mediation/court - UGH

RedWingsFan's picture

Ok, just have to get this out somewhere before I explode.

Since SD14 has been staying full time at BM's since June(SD's choice since she doesn't like our rules and structure), BM has it in her head that she wants to modify the existing court order so she can go after DH for more child support since they're no longer doing the 50/50 thing.

We're in Colorado and the research I've done so far shows that in order to modify the existing order, there has to be extenuating circumstances and/or a dangerous/damaging environment at the other home to warrant modification.

SD14's manipulation

RedWingsFan's picture

So, if you have been following the few blogs I've posted about SD14, you know that we haven't had her with us in a few months now and she basically ignores DH's every attempt to contact her.

Yesterday, DH's dad calls him and says he and SD have been texting on and off all day and he's trying to establish a relationship with her again (since basically she's been ignoring everyone unless they're buying her something or taking her places).

SD14 making contact with DH's family

RedWingsFan's picture

Weird day yesterday. No word from SD14 still, since her birthday last month when DH stopped by and she basically dissed him. He's texted a few times since then to just say hello, love you, miss you. No response. Oh but she responded to DH's brother when he wanted to take her out to Adventure Golf and amusement parks and she responded to granddaddy when he sent her money for her birthday. Of course. Materialistic selfish bitch.

SD14's over the top drama bullshit and our ATV accident

RedWingsFan's picture

Ok, so I've never posted a blog before but I have a lot of crazy feelings that I just need to get out right now. I responded to another post regarding how much of an attention whore/hypochondriac her skid is and it just brought this back up to the surface. I've decided to let the past go and move on, so to bring this up to anyone else would be pointless. Just gonna let it all out here! I don't expect a response or anyone to even read it, I just need to get it out.
