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Fucking stepdevil14 strikes again!

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I so want to scream! Such bullshit from her!

DH hasn't spoken to her since December, when he tried to connect with her for Xmas. He's texted her every week to say he loves her, misses her, wishes she would come around, etc (much to my dismay). He texted her in March after parent-teacher conferences to say he was proud of her grades and she responded with "I don't want to talk to you anymore, it's MY choice, has nothing to do with MOM, goodbye". That was the last time he's heard a word from her.

In a FUNK today :(

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Hey everyone,

I can probably blame this on PMS plus the impending cold temps and yet ANOTHER fucking snowstorm coming tonight/tomorrow, but I am just in a FUNK.

Had a pleasant but busy weekend, where DH and I got a lot done. Ran errands, shopped, revamped our chinchilla's cage and started designing a new one for when the babies are full grown by Fall...cleaned out some closets, moved a piece of furniture to his dad's, visited his grandparents and basically did a lot of other busy work that needed to be done.

Message from Lynn123/Welcome2BatesMotel

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Hey guys,

Just wanted to pass along this message from one of our good friends and former STalker:

please tell Bullet that i miss talking to her on ST..i know she doesnt connect on FB ever....and tell Frieda, PrincessMoFo, old One, Dog Person, Coconut, and Hypovic that i miss their funny comments and posts!

If you'd like to connect with her via Facebook, message me and I'll get your message to her ok?

Question about body piercings/tattoos prior to age 18

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Hey all,

So DH sent me the final revised parenting plan/CS order to be filed with the court just to read it and be sure BM's attorney didn't slip something in at the last minute. I read it and noticed an additional section. It states: Neither parent shall provide written or oral consent to having tattoos or body piercings performed on their child until child reaches the age of 18.

O/T - Blizzard watch here yet AGAIN

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Just have to scream - I'M SO OVER WINTER ALREADY! OMFG! We just got dumped on the other day with a foot of fresh snow, then woke up to icy rain and now it's snowing with a blizzard watch and winter storm warning in effect. I'm in Denver and reallllllly questioning why I ever moved away from Hawaii!!!!!!!!!! On another note, at least it'll be 60 and sunny by Saturday.

Just a vent

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It irks the Hell outta me that Stepdevil14 is allowed to get away with the shit she does. I can't say really anything to DH because it's badmouthing her (which bothers him, obviously) but shit, I have to get it out somehere!

To be more specific:

1. She has her mother (and mom's boyfriend apparently) wrapped around her pinkie finger and is allowed to basically have or do whatever she wants without accountability and consequences

I'm BAAAAACKKKKKK LOL with updates!

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Hey everyone!

Hope you had a great Easter and a great week. My daughter is safely back in Michigan and I didn't even cry this time seeing her off. I guess things have a way of getting better over time.

Anyhow, no stepdevil at either the niece's birthday or Easter but we later found out that DH's dad picked her up for a few hours prior to the birthday party because she didn't want to be there knowing WE would be there. Yeah, good way of sneaking around behind DH's back, FIL. That's the first time that's happened when he didn't tell DH what his plans were.

Happy Easter weekend everyone!

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In about 30 minutes, I'll be headed out of work and not returning for a whole week! WOOOOOO! My DD15 gets to Denver around 7pm Easter evening plus we have a busy weekend ahead. Date night tonight (dinner and a movie with my sweet husband), cleaning the apartment, shopping, laundry, his niece's birthday party tomorrow, Easter brunch with his dad Sunday and then off to the airport!
