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RedWingsFan's Blog

Thanks to Lynn123, I'm thinking of...

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Going to bartending school! There's one here in Denver that only charges $170 for 2 full weekend sets of classes (2 Saturdays and Sundays from 10-6) and you're certified at the end.

With BM going after more CS, court fees, mediation fees, both of us having older trucks that may need repairs, saving up to move out of Colorado and other expenses that creep up - I think that it would be best that I had a backup plan.

O/T - Cocker spaniel mix pup in need of a home - Denver, CO

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Hey all,

A coworker of mine was given a cocker spaniel mix puppy for Christmas (black and white), male, 6 weeks old but he can't keep the little guy. He's looking to find a good home for him. We're in the Denver area and he knows I used to do animal rescue/vet assistant work so he's asked me to help.

The holidays and how they tend to bring out the worst in people

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As some of you know, I went solo to Detroit to spend the holidays with my daughter and family, DH stayed here in Colorado because it was his year for stepdevil, even though the brat's been ignoring him for months.

My trip went great. Spent a LOT of one-on-one time with my girl, did a LOT of shopping (ahhh the joys of teenage girls) and listened to a shitload of her music played at very high volume in the rental car (my ears are STILL ringing!)

O/T Another sweet gesture from DH :)

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Let me first say that I ADORE this man! Even through all the bullshit from BM and SD14, he still manages to put our marriage first and foremost.

Tomorrow marks 6 mos since we got married. Today, I got a box of chocolate covered strawberries from Sheri's Berries delivered to me at work. Enclosed is a card that says:

To the SWEETEST six months of marriage a man could ever ask for. I love you!

Happy Friday - and a post on my FB from DH this morning

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Happy Friday everyone! I'm in a great mood, despite everything going on with BM and all that bullshit that happened last Friday with SD14.

DH and I had a nice, long talk about everything and bottom line is - we'll get through anything that's thrown at us, as long as we remain committed and devoted to each other.

His Facebook post on my wall this morning (forgive misspellings - he's not the world's best):

Knew it would happen eventually - BM has a lawyer

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Now that BM has a boyfriend that apparently does well and buys her and SD14 all kinds of lavish gifts and takes them places, she's lawyered up. SD14 dissed DH last Friday when they were supposed to hang out (had been planned for a month) to spend time with BM's boyfriend. She doesn't WANT to be around him, at all, unless he's taking her somewhere she wants to go or buying her stuff. It's heartbreaking for DH.

How do I keep from blowing up?

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I get off work in an hour. DH is over at his grandparent's watching the LSU/AR game. We're supposed to go over to his dad's tonight for dinner and cards with dad and dad's girlfriend.

I don't want to talk about SD and her poor treatment and blatant disregard for DH's feelings because I know DH already feels badly enough and nothing I say will make it better. I'm afraid I'm gonna blow up when I see him though, or at his dad's because I know he's going to bring it up.


RedWingsFan's picture

So, if you read my last blog posted a little while ago, you know that DH has today off and had planned to take SD14 out and spend some "quality time" with her and visit the grandparents. This has been planned for a month.

DH apparently called SD this morning to ask when she'd be ready. She then says "Phillip (which is BM's boyfriend) wants to take me to a movie today and spend some quality time with me, so I'm just going to hang out with him today and maybe go see my friend Robert later tonight". No sorry, no nothing.
