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sammmx's Blog

CAS is ridiculous + end of full custody + BM sucks. (What else is new?)

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So basically BM wasn't lying the last time she came to get the kids and informed us that CAS had re-established her rights as the custodial parent. Finally, after 2-3 weeks of ignoring our phone calls a caseworker called us back. Turns out our original caseworker went on maternity leave early and it took a while for them to transfer our case over to someone else. Thanks for keeping us in the loop, CAS! Basically they closed their case on BM, she passed her 6 weeks of drug testing, she got a job and her house passed home inspection... so they're satisfied.

BM took off with the kids !!!

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She is allotted a minimum of one 24hr visit a week as per CAS, so she was to have the kids from 5pm Sunday to 5pm Monday. When I dropped the kids off I told her its important she's on time because we have to leave the house by 6:45 to go view a house at 7. She says she planned on dropping them off at 4:30 anyway because she had to be somewhere at 5:30 (she lives across town and has no vehicle). So 5 rolls around, 5:30 rolls around... And finally it's 6:45 and we HAVE to leave because we need to be on time we really want this house so we left. We get home by 7:30 and still no word from BM.

SS2 figured out the potty, yayyyyyy!!!!

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After the incidents with the pee we bought him a little potty to keep in his room (prior he jus had an adapter for our toilet) and as soon as we did he stopped peeing on the floor. Yesterday there was another poo smearing incident. Today I caught him peeing on the potty with his weiner off the side of his diaper so I just took the diaper off and he told me to go away cause he had to poo. So I did. And sure enough he pooed on the potty for the first time Ever!!!

What's your birthday protocol for SKids?

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SS2's birthday is in 2 weeks and so far BF has said very little about it. I know BM is going to want to either Angel throw him a party with us (b) throw him a part without us or (c) come to whatever gathering we plan. But of course, BM is only allowed to see SS2 for 3 hours on Thursdays alone unless it is supervised by us. So chances are whatever we do, she will be there. Is it so bad that I DON'T want her at part of whatever celebration we have?

We've graduated now from piss to shit.

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Yep, this morning when I woke up SS2 came out of his room with his diaper half off and said "You help me put my diaper on?" I was immediately alarmed. I figured he had pissed all over his room. Well, he did, but that isn't even the worst of it. I then noticed he had poo all over his hands, on his neck, belly and legs. Ahhhh! I just threw him in the tub and scrubbed him clean. Ew. Then I saw there was poo smeared all over his bedroom door. I do not even want to know what the inside of the room looks like. SS9 is still sleeping in there, poor kid...

BM is unbelievable sometimes.

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"It would be convenient for me if you kept me in mind when you decide where you're moving, I want to be as close to you two and the kids as possible since I won't be driving for a long time."

Uhhh HAHAHAHA okay BM, let's be neighbors! Maybe you can rent a room in our house! Fuck no! I told BF she said that and he's like "You should have told her we already found a place on the other side of town." Hahah I can't believe she had the audacity to say that. As if she plays any role in us deciding where we move to. Rofl.
