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sammmx's Blog

BF wants BM to be in charge of school issues ...

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So school starts soon and over the summer SS9 has come to live with us full time as BM lost custody. I told BF we need to call the school so they know he's living with us, give them our information etc. He told me not to worry about it because "Mom will likely be as involved with that as she can." and yes, he called her Mom in talking to me. What the frig. I'm calling anyway, that just gives them an excuse to talk more and her to try and do something shes not supposed to be doing. Annoying.

What's happening in this side show I call life now? Well, let me tell you...

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Well let's see, SS9 has been living with us for probably 2? Maybe 3? Weeks now. Not entirely sure. But it hasn't been all bad, he's actually a pretty good kid. So far. He always does what I tell him to, eats all his meals without protest, goes to bed when asks, etc. And he helps keep SS2 occupied for the most part. That being said, the two of them do fight and instigate and that's a pain in the ass, but I digress...

Ugh, f$@!'ing BM was in my house while I was gone again...

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Sadly, I am kind of not surprised. My eyes starting opening to BF's attitude towards her a while ago...

Thursday was BM's visitation with SS2 and SS9, she's allowed 3 hours unsupervised to take them wherever. Well since she lost her car/liscence it has even usually the park or the swimming pool. Well this Thursday it was raining so those were both not options. BM being the retard she is, didn't figure out what the hell she was going to do with them before showing up.

Sometimes I want to run away & join the circus.

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And not because of the SKids... because of BM and BF.

SS9 moved in on Saturday and things have been pretty good in that aspect. He helped me clean the house yesterday, helps keep SS2 in line, and is pretty self sufficient. Overall a good kid. He does do alot of the "My mom this", "My mom that", "When my mom and Dad were together this", "When my mom and Dad were together that"... Which, although annoying, it could be a hell of alot worse. I'm great at ignoring shit like that, lol. "Mmmhmmm, yup..."

The details on BF's illigetiment child & why I'm no longer angry...

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So IC (short form for illegitement child) was conceived when BF was 17 years old in what was essentially a "hook up buddy" situation. He wasn't dating this girl they were just kind of doing it here and there to see if they wanted to date (I have no idea - BF's stupidity / this girl's slutty attitude?) and they were dumb and didn't use protection so she of course got knocked up. For whatever reason BM1 (as she was the first, so everyone else is knocked down a number... Jeez lol) decided to keep the baby so BF tried to do what he could to be a father to IC.

"SS9 is moving in today, can you make room for his stuff upstairs?"

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...UM, WHAT?

Last I heard CAS was supposed to be calling us and letting us know what was going on with SS9. Well, BF is at work and called me up and told me BM called him with another update (because, apparently we have to hear things from HER first, CAS second). I guess today BM, SS9, Grandma & the CAS worker sat down and had a 'meeting' in which Grandma was found "unfit" to care for SS9 after everything that transpired in the past couple months.

BM's Dad brought us her mail .......

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So yesterday BM's Dad texted BF to let him know he had a couple bags full of clothes for SS2. We weren't really sure what thy were from or how he got them but whatever, we said bring them over. In classic style he shows up 3hrs after he said he would, but he does bring the clothes. I guess they were in bags in BM's car trunk.
