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Sassy's Blog

She gets nuttier by the minute!!!!

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First, the good news...the skids coem home tomorrow and we get to keep them for two weeks-yay!!! NO BM bullsh!t for two whole weeks!!!! We will be gone the first week so that's an easy one with no phones and the kids have all lost their phones or broken them, so if she wants to alk to them, she ha to call one of us-tee hee.

Wooohooo. Sassy-1. BM-zero

Sassy's picture

I love being a bitch to her, I know it's horrible but I don't care. I try to text once in a blue moon if something important comes up with the kids, but if it doesn't effect her, she doesn't give a $h!t. And she absolutely refuses to respond in a timely manner especially if she thinks I want her to. Sooooo... Tonight she tested me about the 10 tickets we will have to get in to my SS17 graduation on thursday. I know the school is only letting on ticket holders but it doesn't affect me because they live with us and I will get the tickets first- ha ha ha.

Why am I still surprised?

Sassy's picture

After all the times BM left her kids when she did't have to from when she moved away to times when she had a day off, you would think i would knw by now that she will get out of seeing them as much as possible. Yet it still surprised me knowing she had tomorrow off and so did the kids (memorial day), but she chose to drop them off today anyway. And of course she was a total ass tis weekend with them. The youngest SS11 has lost his cell phone among other thigs many times both at my house and at hers, but mostly here.

Dedicated to BM

Sassy's picture

My new pic is what my bumper sticker migth look like except the lady bug would be on the side. You see, she calls herself Lady-Bird and has a tattoo of one on her foot. We of course like to joke that the name of the dog on King of the Hill is Lady Bird-tooo funny ha ha ha ha ha.

Damn it damn it damn it-quit testing me!!!!!!!

Sassy's picture

I have had about all the BM I can stand for one weekend. So you alll read the last blogabut being tested. Well aparently I wasn't out of the woods yet. Bm is supposed to bring the kids home at 7:30 tonight, so at 5 I get a text from her asking me if SS17 is here! This is like the tenth time she has asked me where HER kid was on HER days? WTF? So I didn't even answer cause she's a moron and I don't want to talk to her. Plus she was still on my asshole list for giving me and my folks dirty looks yesterday. So what does she do- she come over to my house!

God is testing me, I think I passed...

Sassy's picture

So yesterday, in anticipation of BM picking up SS11 (SS16 and SS17 already made plams to avoid her and were at friends houses) I put my car in the garage. You see, she likes to come to the door and even come into my house if she thinks we aren't home. So, with hubby working over and me the only one home, I thought I'd test her and mess with her a little bit too. Sure enough, she thought no one one was and came right up to the door (she never even gets out of her car if I'm home). She almost crapped herself when I was the one answering it.

I finally had to talk to the idiot!!!

Sassy's picture

Crap, again, I hate being the bigger person. Today I had to put our doggy to sleep. It turned out he had cancer and was going to starve to death otherwise. So, I sobbingly took him in and did the deed, I hate being the mom. So he was originally my DH's dog with the ex and the kids. They had him for 14 years, so al the kids grew up with him. We had him the last 3 of those 14 years and I became quite attached. I am a real real real animal lover. When idiot moved to another county, she was eaving him home the whole week and feeding him one big dish of food.

Still trying to be the bigger person...

Sassy's picture

So, I bought these lovely graduation invitations for SS17 high school graduation. I bought a bunch cause they only came in large quantities (of course). I have a ton left over and in my nicer moments considered being a good person and sharing them with the dumb dumb. Then I thought, well, I will just give her one right before graduation and tell het she could have it as a souvenir. Then I thought I could offer her haf and see of she wanted to pay for half (they were quite expensive).

I changed my name....

Sassy's picture

I was Sassy-stepmom and now I am just Sassy. There are a few reasons I changed it-no drama though, I swear.

1. I often log in on my iPhone and it's a pain in the butt with the hyphen and all that.

2. I am tired and lazy and I don't wanna type the whole long name out.

3. I just thought of this one-I am very Sassy, but I am not just a stepmom, I am also a mom, so now I'm just Sassy Smile
