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Just a clarification....

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Nobody is going to say it, but we certainly all know it is true-even if we don't want to admit it:

Men have always had the ego/testosterone problem right-you always hear how their egos got them in trouble....well, here's the inside on women....

Women are even worse, we have egos and pride and let me tell you, we are catty!!! Women in general, when confronted with another woman (especially one "trying to take our place") are extremely catty, bitchy, jealous and very very defensive of our children-just like men's egos.

Feel free to comment...

update on no communication----

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It's going rather well so far (knock on wood). Yesterday when she was to bring the kids home, I didn't call and say by the way the freeway isclosed, sorry, make sure you take the back road. SS16 called me about an hour after he should've been here already and said, "um....we are lost on some wierd dirt road somewhere-we have no idea when we will get there." I sad ok no biggy-see you when you get here.

DUH-she has a GPS navigator on her phone and a Tom Tom (left at home), yet she's lost-giggle giggle-der.

it's finally been decided

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We will no longer be communicang anything to BM. i was always very nice and polite and told her when the kids had school stuff, their grades, pictures, licenses, pretty much anything I would want to know about my kid as a mom. Well, we let her know we had already made plans for afetr his graduation on June 4th (thursday) with our side of the family. She threw the biggest hissy fit ever and started trying to argue in my house in fromt of my son-her kids were alreadyin the car outside. I said I didn't want to argue and she said neither did she.

Yayyy Vacation from BM

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I have the kiddos from the 5th all the way thru the 17th-it is so nice knowing they will be well fed, well taken care of and I won't have to see BM for like 12 days-woohoo! It' slike a party without her interrupting and the boys seem so much mre at easy when they haven't had to spend a weekend with her. The Oldest SS17 just got his drivers license yesterday and the second oldest SS16 just got his permit last week. OMG! Scary. But now, thank the good Lord, the oldest is talking about getting a job and going to college-I am so excited for him. Life is good!

wonderful week...BUT

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the BM had to try to ruin it on the last day of my wonderful week. I had to work hard, had two exams and had a terrible outside-of-home week, but at home it was lovely. All three of my SS were being rally nice and so was my bio-son. The oldest, who has been concerning melately, was very talkativre all week (he never talk-ever) and even asked if I would make some cookies for his party at school! Amazing, the kid who didn't want anything from me, not even his laundry actually asked me for something.

Question for stepsons.....

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My SS17 1/2 has been fairly tolerant of the whole situation we have here, but he seems to be getting more and more distant. He knew when he was 14 that his mom was cheating on his da. The poor kid heard the whole thing (I am amazed he's ok). He never told his dad what was going on, but wanted his dad to confirm what he already knew once his folks go divorced. DH gently, but not directly confirmed it.

Stupid rant ahead!!!

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I hate her I hate her I hate her!!!!!! I texted BM yesterday morning because all the kids either lost their phones or are grounded-arrrggghhh-so I have to commuinicate with them through her skanky ass. I texted one of the boys a question yesterday, very simple yes or no, and never got a response. Fine, you wanna be a bitch, fine. So today I get a text from her wanting to know the answer to a simple question. My first instinct-my gut hurts-I hate her. Oh, so now she wants to commuinicate. Suddenly, she has a question and communication is re-opened.

Can anyone tell me why......

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every little thing has to be a f*ing battle with these BMs? Damn it damn it damn it!!!!!!!!! I asked for the kid's shots records...not so hard, do you have them or not? She say's well why do you want them. I'm like "really, are you that f*ing retarded? THEY NEED THEIR SHOTS ASSHOLE!!!!!! And, since you, their mother, take no responsibility for them, I will..I made a Dr appt so they can get their immunizations-you know like a mom is supposed then she's like, oh, well I have no idea if I have them, just get their records from their Dr.

Constant schedule changes....

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I think I know what to do here, but I need some outside opinions please. My DH and I have been sooooo kind with this BM who deserves absolutely none of it regarding visitation. At the very start she tried to do half and half and demanded child support, which we paid (she had no job yet). Then she got a job and we felt the payments should be lessened since she had her own income now. that was a HUGE fight, but we won. Anyhoo, it's beena very shitty road with her and visits. She keeps getting fired or quitting jobs and always wants us to work around her schedules.
