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Sassy's Blog


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Sometimes I really just wanna reach out and touch someone-and by this I really mean I wanna reach out and slap that BM-except that we all know BM splatters-ha ha. My spoiled ass rotten kids bio and step have evry single xbox 360 game imaginable-I mean all of them. We have always had the gaming systems at our house until finally BM went and bought one for her house. No problem. We told the kids they could always take whatever games (and any of their crap for that matter) to their mom's simply because it's theirs to do with as they please.

Good Lord I feel like one of the kids today!!!!!

Sassy's picture

I amy have to strangulate someone by the time this week is over. Apparently the kids all got together at some point and said, "hey, let's argue with mom/stepmom about everything today-no matter what it is." AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! I am in horrible pain (back) and trying my damndest to clean my house. DH and I have managed to finish the yardwork and the garage and now I'm on to the house interior. So, ok the kitchen and living rooms are okay and the family room is pretty good, but geeeeze! the boys rooms are a train wreck-afterall it ihas been 24 hours since I cleaned them right.

I swear it's the last puppy blog...

Sassy's picture

Ok, so I told dumb dumb (BM) in sort of polite, sort of not so much words that the puppy is staying with me and she'll have to get over it. I also told her that she should stop putting the kids in the middle and ask me like a normal adult with a set of cajones next time. Naturally, she got all whiney and defensive and naturally I don't give a crap anymore. She actually tried to lie to me (once again) and tell me she wasn't asking, but the kids were blah blah blah :sick: I told her word for word what transpired between the boys and I and that they have never lied to me-EVER!


Sassy's picture

So about the puppy going to BM. Not gonna happen. After careful consideration and watching my SS11 and his lack of responsibility with her, I have decided that the puppy stays here. She's my responsibility and I have to handle any vet stuff anyway. I let BM know and she threw ahissy-but who cares-she'll get over it and I will tell the kids myself why puppy stays with me. Thanks for your support.

Need advice from stepkids...

Sassy's picture

My three stepsons 11,16,17 are wonderful boys with morals and dignity (boy did I get lucky). I have tried very hard to always do the right thing and protect them from any harm, but now I am not sure what to do.

Their bio-mom cheated on their father after 10 yrs of marriage, then again after 15. The second time, he tried counseling ad all that, but she wanted no part of it. She wanted to fly to another country to see some guy she met online and "wa in love with". When she got on the plane, he left her.

Am I the Ass this time?

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So my hubby's ex left her kids to be with her boyfriend in another county. So, basically we raise the kids. They are here with us 5 days a week. Since we provide the permanent home, we try to set the rules for the most part and play the "bad guy" role in parenting. We don't mind, because we have the kids more and eventually they will grow up and realize who the real parents were.

I'm drowning in testosterone!!!!

Sassy's picture

I love my boys....but there are so many of them and so few of me! I have a bio 12 y/o son and three step-sons (11,16,17 1/2. First off, they eat about $2000 a month in food-holey moley! The mother of the three has a great job, but has to be forced to pitch in when we need help. We have the boys five days aweek, so in my book, she's lucky I don't sue for child support! Anyhoot, all of my boys are great kids (thank God), but the oldest is 17 1/2 going on 35 and knows absolutely everything.
