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strugglingSM's Blog

Sister-in-law shade

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Thanksgiving dinner was DH, SSs, MIL, BIL, SIL, BIL & SIL's 2 kids, SIL's parents, and MIL's friend.

SIL did not even look in my direction. I talked to both of her parents and interacted with her kids and didn't even get so much as a side glance from her. As soon as she arrived, she left the room to supposedly deal with her five year old who was "feeling shy" and when we left, she also left the room when we were saying our goodbyes.

I'm sick of being a stepmom!

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Something happened today that wasn't a big deal, but for some reason it just pushed me over the edge.

Last weekend, special snowflake SS came up to me and said, "mom said she would buy a basketball hoop for us to have over here if it's ok." I replied, "well, your dad doesn't really want one and we'd have to talk to the neighbors about it, so that's a nice offer, but we won't take it."

Money Troubles....for BM

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When DH and BM were married, they lived beyond their means and rarely paid bills. In 2011, they were both working (BM was making six figures and DH was making close to that with overtime), but - according to DH's credit report - they paid all of their bills at least 30 days and sometimes 60 days late. BM's profession is working as an accountant, so she should have been able to manage this, but she doesn't. I asked DH what they were spending all of their money on and he couldn't give me an answer.

Twenty Texts

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This was our visitation with SSs and over the two days, DH received no fewer than 20 angry texts from BM.

Issue #1 - Before arriving on Friday, one SS texted me to say he needed help with a school assignment that he hadn't gotten an F on. I told him, that was fine, I'd see if I could find the book at the library. Less than an hour later, DH picked him up and, of course, he forgot his school bag. He still wanted to do the assignment, so he insisted that DH contact BM to ask if he could come back to the house and pick up his school bag.

Living with the past

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I've read several posts on this page about how as SMs we often have to hear from the kids about how wonderful BMs are or how we're always compared to BM.

I'll take that to an even higher level...I feel like because DH has children, I'm always living with his past. I'm not saying that his children are his past and that I'm annoyed that I have to live with that. I'm referring to the fact that because DH has children, I'm always hearing stories about what his life was like when he was with BM. From his children, from him, and from his family.

Guilty Dad Syndrome

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I've posted here several times about how my SSs have a tendency to not do homework. Last year, we went to the mid-year conference and found out that neither child handed in much homework. Before that point, DH had not seen any report cards (they had the correct mailing address for him on file in the office and kept telling them we mailed them, but we never received any, even after going to parent conferences). He decided that he was going to call both boys daily to check in on homework and work with them on it, via phone.

Skiing lessons vs basketball...continued

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Yesterday, BM sends DH an email informing him that both kids are playing basketball and giving him the dates of the games. She is sure to say "you got emails from the school about this, so you should have known about it." Um, the emails DH got were "youth basketball registration is open". Neither kid has mentioned basketball and BM did not say "hey, the kids want to play basketball, so I'm going to register them. Many of the games are on your weekends, is that ok?" BM also includes the receipt and tells DH how much she paid for basketball.

I actually had a good visitation weekend!

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Just wrapped up our visitation weekend and it actually went really well.

DH had a leadership conference to go to on Friday evening and Saturday for most of the day. He tried to pick the kids up early on Friday evening, but BM refused (just to be petty, it's not as if she and the kids spend quality time together, she's usually not even home when he picks them up on Fridays).
