thinkthrice's Blog
Well It Passed the Clerk's Sniff Test in Podunk, NY
Turned in all the paperwork for the downward mod. The old financial affidavit seemed to pass the clerk's sniff test. She went down the list checking for completeness.
She did question the health insurance part. I let her know that health insurance is being carried by the Behemoth BM due to the fact she works for NYS Child Protective and the skids are on her cadillac benefits (in so many words).
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"I Never Said That" (General Rant About Men's Selective Memory)
So today I reminded Chef that he said several years back:
"I'm sooooo glad that the BM doesn't keep dragging me back to court like all those OTHER fathers!"
My response at the time was: "She couldn't take you back to court; you are already paying WAAAY over the max voluntarily"
Well Chef said "I never said that--you are imagining things again!"
Here it Is Folks, New York State "MAY" Impute Income on the NCP (NO Mention of Imputing on the CP)
Page Four:
"Sometimes the court may impute to the
non-custodial parent income that other household members earn. Impute means to assign or to attribute. When someone’s income is imputed to you, it increases your total income in the eyes of the court. It may increase the amount of child support you are ordered to pay."
EUREKA!!! I Found A BLANK Financial Affidavit Form From the BM's County From Pre 2010. ..
That DOESN'T include "other members of household" and "other member's income" for the purpose of IMPUTING the NCP's income and NOT the CP's income!!!
I made SEVERAL copies of that form (which is NOT dated on the bottom)
If I can recall, the BM's attorney used ANCIENT self support reserve figures in the original divorce decree as far as what it takes incomewise for Chef to survive. . .
Downward Mod--The Financial Affidavit Form!! Need Advice
Backstory: I'm not married to Chef. I will NOT get married to him. The BM IS re-married and most likely files a joint tax return.
Here are the burning questions on the Financial Affidavit Form:
"Number of Members in Household"
"Income of other members of household"
Constructive Emancipation By Conduct--Not in Upstate NY
Here's a recent case study. . fraught with PAS by the BM and projected hatred toward "Denise" the SM.
This happened just one county over from me with a bigger population--it hosts a mid-sized city. Notice the skid saying "you made me do chores" and "you didn't do FUN stuff with me"
In the end they, of course, ruled against the NCP biodad. Seems the case lasted well over three years as well.
Change of Venue---(Rubbing My Eyes) Too Good To Be True!
As you may know, the BM in my case IS a NYS CPS and Foster Care Supervisor in the adjacent county (her hometown). She works CLOSELY with the magistrate who rules over CPS cases AND CS.
I ALWAYS thought it was a conflict of interest, especially when the BM would come in and practically high five the magistrate just before a downward modification hearing, the last one being in 2008, in which said magistrate ruled HUGELY in BM's favour (once again)
Spin Off on Sailor Girl's "What Do Your Skids Want To Be When They Grow Up"
What do the BIOPARENTS THINK their skids will be when they grow up?
Ok from the book of Vicarious 4:16
Chef wanted his sons to be either in the NFL or MLB stars. . .problem is, at age almost 7, YSS couldn't even catch a ball softly lobbed underhanded to him from about 3 feet away. He kept closing his eyes when the baseball gently floated his way. Dropped it, no lie, about 17 times before I walked away out of fear of screaming with laughter. Uh oh, my schadenfreude is showing.
What Is It With Skids Parading Around in their Undies?
I've seen several blogs on this in recent days about skids with no decorum and traipsing around in their undies. Gave me flashbacks to when OSS and YSS would walk around the house in their whitey tighties; often with a blanket drapped around their shoulders like some sort of royal robe!
SD would often run out of the shower stark naked holding her chest with her hand and screaming at the top of her lungs "LOOK AT MY BOOBIES, LOOK AT MY BOOBIES! "
Key West with Chef--What Did I Do to Deserve it?
At 4 a.m. driving to the airport, Chef starts boring me with his work stories (yawn)
I have everything planned out to the T
Chef did not trim his toenails so he looked like wolverine in sandals; his white, doughy flat feet with splaying toes in every direction and razor sharp toenails looked like I was in the company of big foot.
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