txcajunmom's Blog
O/T: need advice moms...when did your baby have thier first haircut?
ds is 6 months old and bless his sweet little heart, he has patches of long hair all over his head lol i had my mom trim around his ears this morning but i really think he needs a real haircut. is he too young? i dont want him to have a big boy hair cut yet, i want him to stay a baby as long as possible, BUT i dont want him looking silly either...what to do...
just curious...are we supposed to love our skids the same way we love our own children?
what if you dont love them? i care about them, but love? no. i am working on getting along with them but i dont feel like i have to LOVE them the way i love my babies. we have a bond that can never be compared. dh thinks i'm bad to his children because "i dont treat them the same" and i probably dont treat them the same. im never mean or make them feel unwelcome. i cook and clean for them and try to talk with them just to see what's going on in their lives, etc. dh on the other hand is totally playing favorites with HIS children, meaning the skids.
am i just being sensitive????
ok so bm had custody of skids 9 and 6. dh was never really around to help me after work with our two babies dd3 and ds6 months. i work full time and would get them from daycare and care for them, cook and clean until bed. i am the only one to wake up and feed the baby during the night. dh would go to a friends house everday after work and not come home until everyone was already in bed most nights. he gets off early on fridays and instead of helping me out and getting the kids he would just go hang out. also, he gets rainouts, never once did he go get our kids, he would let me do it all.
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looking for some advice on how to deal with add/adhd skid...
so as i have said before in my blogs..."ss"6 (not dh's bio) has add/adhd. he has a plethera of issues. he takes medication and see's a counselor. bm is a drug addict and is now rehab so that she can try to get her kids back. his bio father has been in and out of prison his entire life. the kid is in his 2nd year of kindergarten. can't spell his own name, 5 letters. does not know his abc's or colors. my 3 year old knows her's and he gets mad when she answers before him when playing flash cards.
bm's rehab stint just got another 15 days added to it so my sentence just got a little longer also...
i know i should be a little nicer about this but i cant! skids were placed with us 5 weeks ago, and now bm is in rehab and has about 25 more days left. i am about at my wits end with the "ss"6. he has add/adhd and i know he has a problem that he cant help but i will not lie and say that he does not grate on my last nerve! some people say "what would you do if it was your own kid?" well then i would feel differently. im sorry but i would!
ok i was wrong, i cant do this...
if you havent read my recent blogs, here's the low down: dh was called in the middle of the night to come get his son9 and his other "son"6 because cps was removing all the children from bm's care. this happend on the night i told dh that i did not want to be with him anymore. he agreed to leave in the a.m. i couldnt quite kick dh and the kids out after being taken from their home, so...
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need advice!! situation stressing out dd3 or normal behaviour?
ss9 and ss6 have recently been placed with dh and i since being removed from bm's care. together dh and i have dd3 and ds5 months. ss6 has add/adhd and is a handfull to say the least. he started daycare and school this past monday, since then dh has received 3 calls from daycare and school stating that ss6 has slapped a little girl, beat up a little boy, and at school was beating up a few kids and calling them names and cussing them out.
help please...anyone aware of the process of children being removed from cp via cps?
Recently ss9 and "ss"6 were removed from bm and left in our care. she is only to have supervised visits with the children. i have thankfully never had to deal with cps before so i am in the dark as to what is going on. dh is relying on bm for info instead of calling the case worker (which is soooo dumb). my questions are 1: police came beating on our door @ 3 am on friday night and told dh to get the kids. he did. he was given a card from the case worker and a piece of paper that said that she was only to have supervised visits. that's it.
Absolute worst weekend EVER
So Friday afternoon i have a heart to heart with a close friend and it finally hit me...i'm tired of being in my situation. I am tired of all the drama with skids, dh, bm, and tired of being tired! So i dedcided i was going to do something about it, i wanted out.
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Tired of Dh being so sensitve about his kids!!!
Ok so at our dd3 birthday party at a popular pizza place for children with arcade games and all, i am doing everything!! our hostess was horrible, we ended up getting the party free because they forgot our food and we had to wait 45 extra minutes for the kids to eat while they watched other parties eating. dd3 is VERY hyperactive so i was trying to keep her interested in opening her presents and eating, etc. (all she wanted to do was go play games lol) while dh sat on his lazy butt doing NOTHING!! ss6 came to me in all the madness and told me he needed more to drink. ok.
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