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zerostepdrama's Blog

YSD is pregnant and OSD is officially back

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So lots of interesting things in skid land recently.

YSD is pregnant. DH found out last week. I'm assuming it's by her boyfriend that she has had for awhile. DH is pretty disappointed and mad and I actually feel a little for YSD.

OSD is back in town but without her DH.

They got a 20k settlement. Which her DH used a couple thousand of it to buy drugs. Which OSD found and flushed down the toilet. So her DH then beat her up. She's pregnant.

OSD took the kids (2 gksids ages 2 and 3) and drove back to BM's in the middle of the night.

Who is better off financially?

zerostepdrama's picture

Since money and CS is such a hot topic...

Is BM doing better financially then you and SO?

Or is your home financially off better then BM's?

Or are both homes on even ground?

What contributes to the difference? The amount of CS that is paid or not paid? Better paying jobs? Underemployment? One person paying all the bills?

Correcting children or letting them work it out themselves

zerostepdrama's picture

When a child is being a jerk to another kid- do you as the parent/adult step in and correct the jerk kid's behavior or do you let the kids "fight it out" so that they can learn to work through problems without an adult intervening.

I'm obviously not talking about kids who are being physically violent or downright verbally abusive.

My BS11 has a very strong personality and can be very stubborn. It is very frustrating because once he believes something, even if he is wrong, you can not change his mind.

She's coming back....

zerostepdrama's picture

I guess OSD is moving back to our state. It wasn't even that long ago that she moved away. Ugh! Why can't they just pick a place and try to make it work? Like normal people do?

They left Our state because she was pregnant and realized they would have better opportunities in State 1.

They lived in State 1 until OSD got busted for stealing so they moved back to Our state to try and avoid the charge.

They moved from Our state to State 2 to avoid charges here. OSD DH had assault charges.

OT: Anyone know about the 1095-C form?

zerostepdrama's picture

DH is on my health insurance. He got a 1095-C form with his W-2. First time that this has ever happened.

In Box 15 there are dollar amounts for Employee Required Contribution.

DH obviously isn't signed up for insurance through his work so not sure what Box 15 means or what I am supposed to do with the numbers.

I file our taxes myself through an online program.


Cognitively gifted children

zerostepdrama's picture

Got an email from one of my BS11 teacher and he was identified as having superior cognitive scores and now has the label of cognitively gifted. He scored with an IQ of 128 or higher on the CoGAT test.

His teacher said they are writing up an WEP for him and that this label opens up more for him in Jr High and High school.

I was curious if anyone else has "gifted" children and what they have experienced from their kid being labeled as such.

Well hot damn!

zerostepdrama's picture

So... I have a newish friend. She is a somewhat newish GF with one of DH's really good friends. We have hung out a few times as couples and her and I message each other, text, etc.

Well her birthday is Memorial Day weekend. And she wants us to go camping with her and her BF!

I tell her that we would not be able to camp until later on that Saturday because of graduation but we could come after. She says, okay no problem!

A little update to texts with SIL

zerostepdrama's picture

So I updated in my last blog how I text SIL to open the conversation up and see if she would say anything about her plans.

She tells me she is coming into town for YSD graduation.

She hopes that she can stay with us, but she'll get a hotel if need be. (She knows we aren't going to say no).

I tell her of course she can stay with us.

I lay it out in 2 different texts though that DH will go to the ceremony but not sure that he has anything else planned or that he will plan any other celebration. FYI.

Suggestions on how to handle?

zerostepdrama's picture

Okay. I know I have talked about this before. But I need real legit advice. Remodel the bedroom isn't an option.

My SILs are FB friendly with BM. This bothers me not because BM is the ex but because she is a total bitch to me and DH and has said nasty things about my BS. She also is part of the reason why the skids hate me so much.

So because of this "relationship" I am bothered and feel a lack of loyalty from the SIL.

SILs are younger- so they were really around BM as kids and not as adults. So it's not like they have dealt with her on an adult level.
