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zerostepdrama's Blog

OT: Said goodbye to our cat

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Ernie had been doing good the past month. Since I had last posted. The tumor had broken through and was kind of leaking but we kept it clean and overall it was "okay". He was acting normal for the most part and was comfortable.

New Years Day he started acting different. The area around the tumor was getting red and changing. He was sleeping a lot and couldn't move around. He couldn't get up to his favorite spots (BS's bed and a chair by the window). So I had made the appointment for today to put him to sleep.

Not to start drama

zerostepdrama's picture

Does anyone else notice when 1 poster is missing that there are other posters missing as well?

I know people come and go... but there are a couple of posters I'm like where have they been and then it gets me thinking... are they the same person? :?


Pretty sure OSD is going to skip her court date today

zerostepdrama's picture

OSD (who lives in another state) has court today here in our state for a theft charge. (2nd theft charge)

Pretty sure she is not going to make it.

She hasn't said a word to DH about coming to our state. Not that she hasn't come to our state without letting DH know before, BUT it is close to Christmas so I would assume if she was in town she would make a point to see DH in hopes of some Christmas cash. Also I have not seen anything on FB about her traveling. She posts everything.

It's a 6 hour drive from her state to our state.

Thoughts on buying Christmas gifts for kids- How much do you buy?

zerostepdrama's picture

Every year I see on social media and hear people talking about the following:

How it doesn't matter what is under the tree, it's who is around it and they don't buy their kids a lot of Christmas gifts because that is not what Christmas is about.


I will buy as many Christmas gifts as I want for my kids. I work hard to be able to give them the Christmas that I never had (or did have) and Christmas is about magic and Santa and being spoiled.

Of course there are people in between.

Another Skid... Another Crime

zerostepdrama's picture

SS had his court date today- 2nd OVI (technically weed and not alcohol) in 6 months, driving on suspension, speeding etc.

Looks like he has probation until 2019 and no license until 2019. He has to report to a half way house for work release in the beginning of January for 10 days. I can't figure out if he got jail time. Maybe 168 days? Or it might be suspended. I got all of this online.

OT: Thoughts on this- hosting get togethers

zerostepdrama's picture

Downsouth's blog got me thinking...

Here are a couple of situations and I would like other's opinions on.

If we invite friends over to play cards or just to hang out, should we provide the beer? Or should each person bring their own beer? Should it be stated or is it just a common courtesy?

If we are hosting a party should our guests bring something or offer to bring something? Or should we provide all the food with no expectations of others bringing something?

Does it matter if you host friends (either just hanging out or parties) a lot or not that much?
