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OT: Suggestions for my cat

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His tumor is basically draining (I guess this is normal). I am supposed to keep him from licking it, because of his tongue (sandpaper) it will only make it worse. I have been washing it with water and antibacterial soap and trying to keep it covered. Keeping it covered (to keep clean) and to keep him from licking it is a challenge.

Anyone have any ideas on what I can do to keep it covered?

Tumor is on his side right above his hind leg (Think of area where they usually give vaccinations in cats) so I have to leave it open where he can use the bathroom.


OT: Update on my cat

zerostepdrama's picture

Took my cat to the med vet on Wednesday. Vet is pretty positive it's a Scarcoma malignant tumor that cats get sometimes from getting their vaccines. I guess anytime you do a shot (insertion) on a cat, their cells get out of whack and it can cause the tumor. He didn't test it for cancer, but is pretty positive it is based on experience. He did pull some fluid out of it and looked at that.

He said that tumors/cancer in cats is pretty aggressive. It usually spreads pretty fast.

Real Quick- Thoughts- posting as BM

zerostepdrama's picture

Trying to write this real quick before I have a meeting.

Ex does not drive/have car. Long story- 2 DUIs, no insurance. He lives 45-60 minutes away. Traffic can be unbearable.

So when he wants to see BS he needs to find a ride to my house to pick up BS or meet me half way. It was normally meet half way. 85% of the time.

I got tired after awhile on being on someone else's schedule for meeting to get BS. Ex's ride would fall through or they would want to come earlier or later. It was always something.

OT- Venting- Why is it?

zerostepdrama's picture

Seriously? Why is it the people who do nothing for society, never give back, just take, take, take always end up with getting help?

I know we have talked about it with BM. Seems like no matter what they do they seem to have it easier in ways of "getting free stuff".

This isn't BM related though.

I am PMSing, annoyed right now. I don't usually compare my life and what I have or don't have to others.

OT: Work benefits, glass ceiling, etc

zerostepdrama's picture

Does your company provide good benefits?

Do you get medical, dental, 401k, etc.

How much paid time off do you get- holiday, sick, time, etc.

Do you get bonuses? How are they determined?

Company parties? Company outings?

Paid maternity leave?

What else?

Is it easy to move up in your company?

How important are these benefits and mobility?

Anything you would change?

Vacation and some interesting skid tidbits while I was gone

zerostepdrama's picture

BS11 and I went to Orlando for 5 days at the beginning of November. It was a very nice vacation. Everything turned out really well. I was off of work for a total of 10 days (between vacation and weekends and the Vets Day) so I got some much needed vacation and relaxation time.

Thanks again to NoWire for her tips and advice! Everything was super helpful. And I rode the Mako and didn't die Smile
