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zerostepdrama's Blog

How is it....

zerostepdrama's picture

How is it that majority of the skids here are losers, jerks, dumb, not doing anything with their lives, have no manners, etc?

How is it that the majority of the BMs here are losers, manipulators, low lives, system scammers, etc?

How is it that the majority of us SMs are prettier, smarter, more successful, nicer, kinder, just overall better then BM?

How is it that our kids, our own bios or the ones we have with our DH's are basically better then the skids in every way. Like every.single.way. Our snowflakes are the prettiest, most unique snowflakes out there.

Darn it... that didn't last long...

zerostepdrama's picture

Remember how excited I was about OSD moving to another state??? They moved to be with her DH's brother's family. So they don't know anyone else but the brother (wife, kids, etc) and the brothers just found out about each other a few years ago.

Anyways... DH's brother is accusing OSD and her DH of stealing money from them. All of them (understandably) have had a big fall out.

Ugh- since OSD and her DH don't have any other family in that state... I really really hope they don't decide to move back here.

I'm going to be so disappointed if they come back.

I'm kind of freaking out here...

zerostepdrama's picture

Okay so I find out BM is in a new relationship. (She is still married to the guy she married in November 2014, but whatever).

So I'm nosey and check out his FB profile. He lives in the same city as me. Like 1 mile from where I live. In my sister's old neighborhood. The one she lived in for years and just recently moved from. The one we are still going to for trick or treat this year.

Yeah I'm freaking out a bit. This is just too close for comfort. Like way too close.

He also has 2 daughters. In the age range of 8-11??? So that should be interesting.

What's Worse?

zerostepdrama's picture

Knowing that your DH was married/in a serious relationship with BM resulting in the skids? That they had a life, home together. That they liked/loved each other enough to have a family and be serious with each other.


That your DH had a one night stand/fling and now because of that you have to deal with BM and skid?
