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zerostepdrama's Blog

Follow up to the sea donkey post and pictures of my cats

zerostepdrama's picture

DH was nice all weekend, totally kissing my butt and loving on Lilly cat.

I guess he had some time to think about it and reflect on his poor choices in the past and most likely came to the realization that cat piss is better then sticking his d*ck in BM the sea donkey.

Bert and Ernie. Ernie is the one with the tumor, the fatty smashing my chair cushion.

Lilly the bed pisser.

Happy Monday!

Opening your home to the skids and your personal space

zerostepdrama's picture

Were you able to open your home to the skids? To make your home feel like their home? Or do you treat them like guests?

Does it make a difference with SSs over SDs?

How do you feel about your personal space and the skids in it or around it?

Do you feel more or less territorial regarding your space and your home?

Does it make a difference if you moved in with DH, or if DH moved in with you or if you guys moved into a new place together?

OT: Christmas Poll

zerostepdrama's picture

Christmas/Holiday, etc whatever you celebrate.

Favorite Christmas song?

Favorite Christmas movie?

Christmas traditions?

Real or fake tree?

Church service on Christmas Eve?

Eggnog? Yes or No?

What age do you think kids should stop believing in Santa?

Snow on Christmas Yes or no?

Presents wrapped or in bags?

Stockings- yes or no?

What do you put in your stockings?


Are you on the naughty or nice list?

Is it okay for step or half siblings to not be engaged?

zerostepdrama's picture

It's not frowned upon when us SPs disengage and take a step back. It's okay for us to "worry about ourselves" and "look after ourselves".

So is it okay if step siblings and half siblings are also disengaged?

Should siblings be forced to engage with each other and like each other?

Is it different if they are step siblings as opposed to half siblings (Sharing one parent?)

For kids that see each other 50% or less does that make a difference? What about a large age gap?

YSD- reaching out? Thoughts?

zerostepdrama's picture

YSD and I have never had words, issues, etc with each other.

She hasn't been my favorite person because she's DH's "little princess" who can't do anything wrong. She's smug and entitled and overall I don't really like her personality. Plus she was a reporter for BM and that caused a lot of drama. Of course this was years back as I have had no relationship with her in over 4 years and very little interaction.
