zerostepdrama's Blog
update with DH and issues- some insight- would like some feedback..
So when DH and I settled into bed last night he made the first move to talk to me about what is going, which that in itself was a big move.
Some of the highlights:
* He is stressed- he feels he has a lot going on right now and he isn't handling all the added responsiblites that well. (This would be helping MSD in her new apartment and SS got a junker car that needs work.)
* He is unhappy with his job. He has been looking for another one. (I agree that this makes him depressed.)
* He feels like I complain too much. (probably partly true)
If you were my friend on would know....
That I love my furbabies and there are lots of pics of them on FB. Most of my pics are of the furbabies. And the featherbaby.
That my BS spends most of his time without a shirt on.
That DH rarely smiles for pictures.
That I probably drink way too much when I go out and when I do, I take a lot of pictures with my friends.
That I like sarcastic humor, memes and things like that.
So anyone else want to share?
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Conflict with skids as well as inlaws/friends/friends spouses, etc
How many of you have "conflict" with the skids as well as many other relationships in your SO's lives?
I obviously have some serious conflict with the skids.
I have "some" conflict with my inlaws. Mostly I just think MIL is a horrible mother and have no respect for her. Other then that I am okay with most relatives.
DH's Friends- we are on good terms but I am sure they think I am a bitch at times; sometimes true, sometimes not true.
Friends wives- I know they think I am a bitch and terrible SM.
Just curious.
I think he is chosing his kids our marriage and not sure where this is going...
Sadly married 7 months. Only 7 freakin months and I am seriously considering divorce. Which honestly I have been thinking about in some degree over the past few months. I really feel like he pulled a bait and switch on me. But then part of me thinks, didnt I kind of know this before we got married??? I'm embarrassed, sad, dissapointed, angry, tired.
Since we have gotten married he has really stepped away from the house/me/my BS8.
I noticed that he is gone more then he is home. He always has to help someone with something. I think he is just trying to avoid being home.
MSD's upcoming graduation and my plans to not attend
I have been thinking of a plan for months for NOT attending MSD's graduation.
The reasons I will not be attending:(some legit and some petty)
I have been to 2/4 skids graduations
They last for a very long time, large senior class, have to park far and walk, crowded, etc
DH refused to attend my niece's graduation with me and it kind of had me upset since I had went to 2 of his kids graduations and I am VERY close to my niece
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What makes it so hard? Step parenting- relationship with SO?
What is it about our current situations that make it so hard?
I know some will say its BM, the skids, DH, etc
I'm just curious as to what, who, what actions, etc. make it so hard for us.
For me, it would be:
Glitter... I had a nightmare and you were in it...
I was gone for the weekend, staying up late and drinking with my GFs so when I finally fell asleep last night, I slept HARD and had some wacky dreams.
I dreamt that Glitter was watching my BS over the summer. Her BM was there, just hanging out. I was meeting Glitter for the first time and she was showing me around the house and all the activties that she had planned for the summer. Then she was like Oh wait BM is here. LOL. And for some reason I knew it was her BM and was confused as to why they were "friends". I lept wanting to get Glitter alone and say WTH you hate this woman!
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Work on it Wednesday
Possible new Blog for Wednesdays...
We can share what we are working on or something that we want to work on.
Can be anything- skid, bio, SO, family, in law, friend related.
Something around the house.
Something about ourselves.
It might be a good forum to write down some things we would like to work on. I know when I write it out, I hold myself more accountable. Also to get some feedback and support.
So anyone have anything they want to share?
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Benefits of MSD having her own apartment
Something to celebrate!
Since MSD has her own apartment, DH can just go there and visit her. There is no reason for her to come over to the house and visit (since the tension is so bad when she is there anyways)when DH can just go there!
And if I am really lucky DH will also visit YSD there as well. A 2 for 1.
It may be too good to be true... but its possible that I may never have to see the skids in my home again. **please please please let this be true**
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2 sides to every story- How would your SO describe the skid/BM situation???
I'm always a little curious as to how my DH would describe the situation with the skids and me. Say if a co worker or friend or family member asked how his kids and wife got along, what would he say?
Or if he posted on a forum like this, what would he say?
I know without a doubt DH would say "everything is fine". Because in his head that is what he truly believes.It's easier to just think everything is fine then to address the real issues.
If he was pressed on the issue he would say:
"My kids are jealous of my wife."