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zerostepdrama's Blog

OT- boy /girl sleep overs

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My BS just turned 9. The neighbor girl will turn 10 in a couple of days.

They are the only kids around the same age in our neighborhood. They play together ALL the time. They play very well together and get along. I quite enjoy having the little girl over as she is polite, funny, just a good kid over all.

Well BS has been asking for a sleep over. They play together all day, yet they still want to play some more. LOL

Of course he really doesnt see it as he is a boy and she is a girl. He just sees them as friends and doesn't think much past that.

Nice car babe....

zerostepdrama's picture

OSD tagged DH (and others) in FB a picture of her new vehicle.

BM's boyfriend who she has been with for maybe 2 1/2 years (so when OSD was 19).

Anyways he comments "Nice car babe"

Ewwww that is just so weird. Who calls their GF's daughter "babe"?

On a side note, the new vehicle is really nice. Which is good for her.

Is this something new???

zerostepdrama's picture

Totally off topic and random....

I had noticed on OSD's FB page (saw through DH's, as we are not friends) that she was feeding her baby (4 months at the time) pancakes!

Now when my BS9 was a baby, I knew it was a big no no to not feed table foods until 12 months and older. Maybe a little before but most definitely not at 4 months!

Would you rather? Fun Game for Friday

zerostepdrama's picture

Because I am working on a project that is making my head spin and I need to take a break:

Would you rather BM be really smoking hot (hotter then you!) or really ugly and nasty (but a bad reflection on your SO)?

Would you rather have a 7 year old princess, daddy's girl who is a special snowflake or 15 year old princess, daddy's girl who is a special snowflake?

Would you rather have your skid(s) 50/50 where the routines are always changing and BM has an input or FT with no BM input?

Would your relationship be better with your SO if you got along better with your skids?

zerostepdrama's picture

Not all, but a lot of us don't have a relationship with our skids and our SO's know exactly why. Basically we have vocalized to our SOs why we dont like their kid(s) and why we wont have a relationship with them.

Do you ever wonder if you got a long better with the skids or if they were more part of your lives or you made them more part of yours, would that help your relationship with SO?

I know for me, when I see my DH interacting more with MY BS and spending time with him, that means a lot to me and makes me happier all around.

VENT- DH never wants to do anything---I feel like a single mom

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When I was with my Ex, BS's dad, we never had money to do anything. Even small things, because even then $10 would set us back. Or we worked opposite schedules, or he was sleeping off a I often did stuff by myself, just me and BS. I kind of hated it. Seeing families together at the park or on bike rides. It was always me and BS. No other adult to talk to.

When Ex and I split up, I always said I will find someone who likes to do stuff on the weekends, someone who wants to do family stuff.

J-Lo and Marc finalize divorce- article with comments- interesting

zerostepdrama's picture

Not that I care about J-Lo or Marc... but I did read the article and I found the comments interesting. I only read a few of the comments and the 2 below really stood out to me.

Very similar to what we talk about on here...

