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BettyRay's Blog

Finders Keepers....

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I found an iPod Touch this morning. Sitting all by its lonesome on the backseat of DH's car (we switched cars for the day). It belongs to SS11. Since the boys were dropped off at BM's on Monday morning its been riding around back there all week. N.I.C.E.

I took it out of the car and am storing it in a safe place. This has happened a few times before and DH always gives it back to SS11. I've decided I'm not going to say anything to anyone and see how this plays out.

Cr@ptacular Winter Concert

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DH and I got to the concert and of course BM had saved seats for us again this year. :sick: DH takes the seat next to her, I take the seat next to DH – So he’s in the middle.

BM immediately starts in on us about how SS11’s pants were too small and how could we let him go to school like that when today is the concert. DH tells her SS11 left our house in the morning wearing a nice shirt but he couldn’t remember what pants SS11 was wearing.

My DH 2 steps forward then one back

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It’s so frustrating. I feel like we (DH & I) never get anywhere with the SSons. Here’s the latest and greatest example:

Step Forward #1 – SS15 asks to have access to our Wi-Fi. DH tells him to ask me since I know the password and DH never bothered to memorize it. DH also tells SS15 there will be rules with having the privilege of using our Wi-Fi.

Step Forward #2 – SS10 also wants access to the Wi-Fi for his iPod Touch. Again DH tells him to ask me. DH also tells SS10 that it’s up to me and that there will be rules.

BM keeping up with the Jones

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BM bought SS15 an iphone 5. Why? Not because SS15 wanted it but because BM thought he would take care better of an iphone 5 and remember to carry it at all times. Trnaslation - BM thought SS15's current cell wasn't cool enough.

SS15 has lost his cellphone so many times DH and I have given up counting. He also leaves it at home more than he remembers to bring it with him. This cell has been through the washer twice – and survived – don’t know if the iphone will as good of a track record.

Parent Teacher Conferences – SS10

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First a little background:

1. BM is perennially late/DH is always early. BM was 10 minutes late to the 20 minute conference appt.
2. BM doesn’t check homework consistently/DH checks homework all the time.
3. BOTH BM & DH are inconsistent in correcting SS10 when it comes to respecting adults. SS10 doesn’t acknowledge adults when they acknowledge him. Example: When an adult says “hello” to SS10 he will just stare at that person without saying anything.

So SS10’s teacher tells DH & BM:

Dreading going home

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I’ve been at work all day and am dreading going home because the skids are there. It’s the second weekend in a row they are with us due to BM’s work schedule.

All I want to do when I get home is sit my butt down in front of the TV, have a beer, and snuggle with DH, BUT that won’t happen because god forbid the skids have to give up the TV and sofa.

Oh and SS10 has been getting on my last nerve lately. He’s consistently tired and crabby, just a PITA. If we don’t do what he wants to do he pouts it’s so annoying.

Awkward Trio

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SS15’s parent info. night was last week. DH asked me to go with him because BM was working. We walk through the door and who’s standing there waiting? BM. She says she was canceled. This always magically happens when she has an opportunity to be a MOTY. Fine. Whatever.

The itinerary was set up to mimic SS15’s school day. So DH and I were stuck meeting all the teachers with BM. This wasn’t that bad, except that BM likes to make it as awkward as possible for me.

Co-Sleeping Drama

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SS10 sleeps with BM.

It’s got to the point where he doesn’t even try to sleep in his own bed at her house, just goes right into her bed at bedtime. When BM attempts to have SS10 sleep in his own bed he throws a massive fit–crocodile tears, cries till he makes himself sick etc. Of course BM caves-she can’t stand to have SS10 upset-she’s better at being a friend than a parent.

So her solution is? …BM wants DH talk to SS10 about it, to take care of it for her. Brilliant.

Family Vacation -or- Endurance Test for DH (Long)

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So we got back from our annual trip to the lake last week. I have to say that for me this was one of the nicest vacations we’ve had and I’ve been vacationing with the Skids for 6 years. That doesn’t mean there weren’t any rough patches but this year I went into it with a whole different mindset.

I promised myself before we left that I would do 2 things for myself each day we were on vacation. The first was going for a daily 30-minute run and the second was taking time out to read. Well I’m happy to report that I did both and boy did it make a difference in my attitude.
