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BettyRay's Blog

School hasn't started yet and I can see the train wreck

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I may be overreacting here but I see SS14’s H.S. career circling the drain and the school year hasn’t started yet.

1. He refused to participate in the AVID program he was accepted into.
2. SS14 called last night asking to do the boy scout jam-o-rees (weekend campouts) in Sept. and Oct.

So the kid flunks ap-math and is repeating this year, is a roller coaster student when it comes to homework and grades. But it’s totally okay for him to go camping the first 2-months of H.S. :jawdrop:

BM and the case of the sick kid

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BM texts DH yesterday morning asking him if she should take SS9 to the doctor cause he's not feeling well. DH says yes take SS9 in.

DH, skids and I are leaving on a family vacation sunday. We don't want to travel with a sick kid.

Fast-forward to last night. DH calls BM to talk to SS9, see how he's doing. BM tells DH SS9 still feels sick but he didn't feel like going to the doctor so she didn't take him. Then BM goes on to tell DH, SS9 still has a headache, sore-throat, and tummy-ache. BM said she was pretty sure it's strep.

Clothes – It’s Rocket Science

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So I’ve struggled with the clothes issue in the past. I was the only one that seemed to care, BM, DH and SSs did have the issue i.e. not having season appropriate clothing, wearing clothes DH and I bought to BM’s (the black hole) never to be worn back at our house again – you get the picture.

So a few months ago I said f*ck-it. I stopped keeping track of SSs clothes. Well it came to a head this week when SS10 literally ran out of clothes at our house.

DH is like “what happened,” “I don’t understand,” ”why didn’t you tell me,” “blah, blah, blah….”

Pending WI Legislation would mandate assumption of 50/50 placement for CO

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Thought all of you would find this interesting:

Pro and con of proposed change to child custody law
By Bruce Vielmetti of the Journal Sentinel
June 16, 2011

"A bill pending in the Legislature would significantly change how judges make such decisions by mandating a presumption of equal placement of children with both their mother and their father is in the best interests of the children. That could only be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence.

AB 54 would also make it easier to modify placements."

Update - SS14 Injured

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The MRI results are in looks like a severely bruised shin-bone and a partially torn ACL. It's still very swollen so SS14 is on crutches and has to wear a metal frame splint till the first part of July. I guess we'll find out more then.

SS14 was/is devastated by the news. I think this is he first time he's not been able to do what he wanted to do for a summer; and the thing is he has no one else to blame as it was his accident on his bike that caused the injury.

SS14 injured

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SS14 got hurt over the weekend. He was screwing around on his bike and whiped-out. BM didn't take him to the ER till over 24-hours later. It looks like he'll be on crutches for most of the summer.

So his plans for baseball and a boy scout hiking trip are out; and no water-skiing or tubing for him this summer; and most likely no skiing this winter. Dh and I were explaining this to SS14. He's not accepting the severity of this injury yet. He's got an appointment with a specialist today. I hope the news is hopeful.

Its official

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SS14 is graduating 8th grade with an F in math.

SS14 will be going to summer school and not Boy Scout camp. SS14 is very upset. His teacher made a point of telling DH & BM that SS14 doesn't understand the math concepts now (at the end of the school year) because he didn't study and keep up with homework throughout the school year.

He will be retaking the class next school year. In summer school he will be a study skills course.

Road Trip to the In-laws

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We visited my in-laws over the weekend. They live a few hours away from us.

It’s good to be home.

Although I get along with MIL and FIL there are still a couple of things that drive me nuts.

First my in-laws have a cat. We have dogs. MIL and FIL won’t allow our dogs in their house because they’re afraid the cat will freak out and start marking in the house. I respect that but I hate it. (Normally my mom will watch our dogs when we go there but this time she couldn’t.) It makes every trip there with the dogs stressful on me and the dogs as well.

Baseball vs. Summer Home

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I’m trying to let go of the things that irritate me about my SSs. One of those things is the summer baseball schedule, as they have weekend practices and games, we won’t be able to go to our summer home as often as we’d like.

Last year we were only able to go a couple of times because of the boy’s baseball commitment. I wasted a lot of time feeling angry and resentful because we chose to stay home on most weekends and let the boys play baseball instead of going to our summer home.

SS14 & Baseball

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The basebell schedule for SS14 was posted this morning. DH will be doing a lot of running. I'm stepping back this season because I don't agree with BM signing for a sport when he's failing 2 classes.

