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BettyRay's Blog

The Summer Camp Clothes Saga - ENDS

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So for the past 5 years DH has been the one to pick SS15 up from summer camp. Either it's been our regular weekend or BM has offered (wink, wink)this weekend to DH, and DH never passes up a chance to have extra time with the SSons. The downside of this is I end up with SS's dirty camp laundry and DH has always asks me to wash it "for SS".

Growing Pains or Entitlement Revealed

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BM had to work late one evening last week. Usually when she works late their tradition is that SS15 orders pizza hut when BM calls to tell them she’s on her way home. Well last week SS15 was with DH for a boy scout activity. BM called DH and asked if he’d take SS10 too so he wouldn’t be home alone. DH was fine with it. But SS10 was p*ssed-off when he found out he was not staying home alone. Apparently, SS10’s plan was to play on the xbox and order pizza hut by himself. BM wouldn’t allow it (an amazing moment of clarity for her).


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Who buys a 10 year old boy a WHITE hoodie? Our BM.

Who never washes it? Our BM.

Who decided it would be cool to wear to our cabin this weekend? SS10.

Who flipped out when he saw said "white" hoodie? DH.

That was my awesome start to the holiday weekend.

But seriously - this hoodie is filthy-dirty. The cuffs are black with dirt, the elbows green from grass stains, and the shoulders dotted red from kool-aid (where SS10 likes to wipe his mouth off). I could go on but you get the picture.

houtxstepmom - thought of you last night

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I was pulling clothes out of the laundry sort bin to wash and pulled out a "special" gift from SS14.

Apparently he must have had an "accident" over the weekend and the evidence was ALL OVER his underwear. :sick: Thank G-d I noticed it before I grabbed it.

Now that I think about it when we were skiing on Saturday DH and I spotted SS14 running to the bathroom. DH asked SS14 later if he was feeling okay, SS14 said he was fine. I guess he didn't mind sitting in his own sh*t for the 3.5 hour ride home. :jawdrop: I'm so happy DH forced SS14 to take a shower that night.

Ski Weekend Canceled - hehehe!

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We were supposed to visit MIL and FIL this weekend and go skiing Sat. but DH forgot that BM had signed SS10 up for a day long cub-o-ree on Sat.

I have been disengaging and one of the things I used to handle was the e-calendar of the boys’ schedules.

Apparently, way back in Sept., BM had asked DH if it would be alright if she signed SS10 up for the cub-o-ree in Jan. 2012, as it would be on our weekend, DH said yes but never told me.

Update – My Saturday night from HELL

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Please see previous blog for whole story:

Long story short – DH yelled at me in front of SS10 and his friend. DH said I should stop riding SS10.

I wanted to thank you all for your comments to my blog. Your thoughts on my situation helped me to look at this differently. Your thoughts also helped me to put into words what I was feeling in a way that didn’t get DH all defensive.

My Saturday night from HELL

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DH yelled at me in front of SS10 and his friend. He said I should stop riding SS10. It was humiliating almost like being punched in the stomach.

This is the first time this has happened – DH and I been together for 7 years.

Then SS10 laughed at me. I know you all know that.look.and.laugh. The one where the skid is basically sending the message that “he won.”

DH told SS10 to shut-up that it wasn’t funny and he shouldn’t make fun of me. Which seems like a reasonable response, but to me in that moment, it felt like another verbal punch-in-the-stomach.

Article Relating to International Custody Case

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Just came across this aricle. Thought you might find it interesting:

Plea agreement reached in international custody case.
Mother agrees to have daughter returned from Japan to Wisconsin.

By Bruce Vielmetti of the Journal Sentinel
Nov. 21, 2011


Down today.

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My morning started with SS9 slamming his bedroom door in my face.

I had gotten up early because our dog wanted to go out. I was checking on SS9, if he was asleep I was going to close his door so our dog wouldn’t bother him. We met at his door. I said oh, you’re up, good morning. SS9 slammed the door closed.
