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BettyRay's Blog

SS12 threatens SS8

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Ssons were arguing a few days ago and SS8 came to me for help and was explaining what happened. SS12 interrupted and started arguing his point to me. When I finally got both to calm-down and explain what happened I could see that SS12 was in the wrong.

I gave them my opinion which was for SS8 to continue and SS12 to back off. What came out of SS12’s mouth next shocked me.

He said: “That’s okay BettyRay let SS8 have his way cause I can have SS8’s stuff disappear like this” *he snapped his finger and started walking away*

Christmas and BM

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SS12 just called. He's bummed.

BM told him that she wished Santa had never come, all because SS8 is tired and crabby. They partied way late last night with her family.

I feel sad for the boys, I would be devastated if my parents had said that to me at their ages.

I'd like to say: "BM get a clue. The boys were up late last night and need a nap!"

I hope all of you StepTalkers Have a Merry Christmas!

Thanks for listening to my vent.


Meltdowns – The Saga Continues

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SS12 is having meltdowns at BM, yet again; and now SS8 is modeling this behavior too.

SSons behavior at our house is fine. We have house rules (have had rules in place for 3-years) and the boys behavior is fine in our care. When SSons do act up its normal kid and sibling stuff but not the out of control behavior they exhibit at BM’s house.

BM doesn’t utilize house rules. SSons run her house and when she tries to step up and parent they flip out on her. SSons have absolutely no respect for her.

A cell phone and that sinking feeling.

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BM bought SS12 a cell phone. It’s only for emergencies. *Right*

I knew it was coming, so did DH.

DH’s spin on it:

She’s paying for it. DH is waiting for the 1st $200 bill so he can say, “not my phone not my problem” }:)

Its good SS12 has a way of contacting us in an emergency.

DH is happy he doesn’t have to talk to BM as much.

Here’s my spin on it:

Meltdown – Update - LONG

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SS12 has had a couple more meltdowns, at BM’s only, since the initial incident (please see previous blog).

The last time was on a BM weekend. BM called at 6AM on a Saturday morning – on the home number – my number, as DH always uses his mobile. She wanted DH to pick up SS12 for the weekend because she didn’t want to deal with him.

Meltdowns of SS - Help!

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SS12 has been having behavioral problems lately. He has had 3 meltdowns in the last 4 weeks. He gets very aggressive and tries to hurt SS7 and BM. The last time BM called DH to try to calm SS12 down. When DH got to BM’s house SS12 had locked BM and SS7 out of the house. SS12 then crawled out a window and tried to attack DH when he saw him. DH had to physically restrain SS12.

Don’t Know What to Title This - Long

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My Aunt died last week. She was a wonderful lady – the type of person that draws you in with her humor and wit. She was a stay at home mom, raised 6 children and was married to my uncle for over 50 years.

The funeral was Saturday. It was our weekend with SSons. Both SSons had scout activities planned for Sat. DH e-mailed BM to let her know that the boys wouldn’t be attending scouts as there was a death in the family.

This is where everything got chaotic…

A little background:

Clothes – My Issue

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Help! I’m struggling with the clothes issue. I know it’s petty and it shouldn’t bother me but when SSon’s clothes (that we bought) disappear it’s like sand between my toes. I have been working hard not to let it get to me, I haven't said a word about it to DH for months, it doesn’t bother DH when they wear clothes that we’ve bought to BM’s, but it bothers me and here’s why:

BM never sends back the clothes. EVER. DH has to “remind” SSons repeatedly to bring stuff back, translation, he yells at SSons.

Kid Party Purgatory

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It started the middle of October, SS6 was over for our regular weekend and he was all excited about his birthday party. BM told him that it would be at the local humane society. SS6 was thrilled, he loves animals.

November rolls around; the first week BM says the party will be the last Saturday of Nov. DH invites his parents.

The second week of Nov.; BM says the party will be the Wed. before Thanksgiving. DH lets his parents know and they can’t make it as they live 2 hours away from our town. DH can’t make it either as he has to work. I start getting suspicious.
