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Telephone Conference with the lawyer today.....

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in reference to why the court case was continued yet again, and discuss new evidence. Last week BM had her child support enforcement worker friend (she is not even the case manager anymore as of November 2008) send DH a letter stating he was not in compliance with the medical order and would be filing him in contempt of court on 30 July.

So freaking pissed......

imagr8tma's picture

So DH gets an email from lawyer's office today that BM lawyer has requested that the case be continued again. WHAT IN THE HELL?!?!?!?!?

My guess they know they do not have a case and that she will more than likely lose custody - and requested to have it continued again.

DH has called the lawyer and is going to ask for an emergency hearing or motion to be filed. This foolish and abuse can not be allowed to continue until 9 September now.

I can not believe she filed all this crap against us about abuse and this is the third time she is having the case continued.

BM never ceases to amaze me....... (long,,,,, really long!)

imagr8tma's picture

She alledges we abuse SD (emotionally, physically, & over medicate her), we leave SD in unknown places with unknown people where she is anxious, frightened and sad, we sometimes do not give her the medications and sometimes we have over medicated her, no one in VA likes her here, DH's sister has intentionally burned her with an iron, told the counselor I hit her and scream at her constantly when she visits, SD is so afraid of us she hides her clothing to keep from coming, we threatened her to take SD out of cheerleading, force her to drive 1/2 way, we constantly change meeting locations

Here we go again - This is getting so dang old...... what now?!?!?

imagr8tma's picture

Well BM has taken SD to the counselor again - even after the last session in Feburary stated there was no need to bring her back as there was no evidence of abuse, nightmare, fears of dad and stepmom and no evidence of wrong doing.

So now - becuase DH would not give up his weekend visit for a birthday party, and his summer visits for dance camp (which does not happen until the week after his visit ends) she has gone to the counselor with the child on 28 of May.

I knew it - the silence is no broken - more BS again as usual.........

imagr8tma's picture

So yesterday i blogged that BM was quiet and I felt like something was going to come up.

I was right - again. SHE (BM) is so dang predictable. DH and BM had already agreed a month ago on his summer visit dates. 2.5 weeks in June 2.5 in July. Plus his normal EOW visits every other weekend as the court order states.

So after we take her back home on Sunday - she waits until yesterday afternoon to send him a text message stating SD can not come back in July due to dance camp going the rest of the summer.

Things are quiet - Ut Oh!!!!!!

imagr8tma's picture

Well, we just had the first of our 2 week summer visits with SD. We had a blast - bought sd a new bike (with helmet and elbow/knee pad) taught her how to ride it, did a couple of pool outings, beach outing, arcade, etc. It was a fun time. DH took sd to a Father Daughter dance - so we purchased her a new dress and did her hair and nails.

BM had told me not to comb or wash her hair for the 2 weeks as i may mess it up or use something to break her out.

Im going to end up in jail - if she continues........

imagr8tma's picture

I am so damn angry right now. BM has really stepped over the boundaries of what a good mom is completely.

SD was at a go-cart racetrack amusement park with her aunt (husband's sister and kids) on Saturday. A stranger told SD she was beautiful and asked that she must look just like her mom. SD then says no i look just like my dad (which she does) and then replies well my mommi says my daddi and Gr8tma are mean so they are going to have to go to court and fight over me.

What in the hell ?!?!?!?

imagr8tma's picture

Well after a long weekend of traveling to NC for SD's graduation and dance receital it is yet more drama with BM.

First we completely ignored BM this weekend. My DH, I, BD and other family members drove down 4.5 hours and stayed the weekend for the festivites. This weekend was great. We did not have to go through BM for any informaiton. We got all of it from the school and dance company. Purchased our tickets for attendance and just showed up.

Update on the birthday party Saga

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Well, after having DH told by BM to give up his visitation weekend for a birthday party. We tried to get her to give us the details so that we could just show up early and take sd since it was so important.

Of course she did not reply to any of my DHs texts or emails after he told her he would not give up his entire weekend for the birthday party.

SO we got on the road and drove from VA (4 1/2 hours) to NC getting there at 6pm. Called and hoped that we could have at least taken SD ourselves to the party or pick her up for the visitation as stated in the court order.

Why, oh Why do we even talk to her.....

imagr8tma's picture

Yesterday I posted about BM wanting DH to give up his weekend for his daughter to attend a birthday party. Since we live out of state and drive 4 1/2 hours on the regular and because she filed false affidavits/custody papers/counseling intake forms etc... my husband does not want to miss another weekend with his daughter.

(Please look back at my blog and you will see all the issues we deal with...)
