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Lifer33's Blog

Update on suitcase gate

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It survived, whether the zip just bursts at some point who knows.

My patience hasn't survived. Ss walked through the door with 2 bin bags containing approximately 15 footballs , barged through the house and started emptying them onto the lawn.

I hissed at dh 'wtf'?? Our neighbour has already asked us to replace his fences due to football damage , and we agreed the lawn won't tolerate anymore football.  It needs re seeding.

Literally crying laughing

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I wasn't yesterday mind...

So , we are taking ss12 on this long haul holiday. 

This has given bm reason to get in touch many, many times.. at this point not sure If she's trying spoil everything or got the worst case of ocd. Anyways, 6 messages at least have requested we provide a suitcase for him,  (what Is your problem bm?!) So finally we ask What happened to the suitcase he's got?

It's too small. 

Right so you're not going to buy him another for when he more frequently holidays with you?

No answer.

Out of the mouthes of babes

Lifer33's picture

Dd 6 came into the kitchen tonight and said 'mama why don't you love aj (ss) like you love me?

Whoa, er, can you give me some examples? (genuinely upset as I'd like to think I mask my feelings well and treat them the same at contact)

She says' well for a start you tell me off for being naughty but you don't tell him!!! ' eyeroll.

I am just trying

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To think kind and that bm has some ocd, control issues, as she pure confuses and sucks the joy out of everything...

I can't even keep it brief. First off we asked her permission to take as on a long haul this yr. She said yes, but told him straight away, which I thought was off as we would've liked the opportunity to tell our kids together here. Never mind.

Since then she has hinted he won't have enough clothes. Please, the lady buys him clothes that most kids only get for Xmas, every week. Designer, football shirts you name it.


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Yesterday I was heading to the shops with a plan in mind for weekend meals. Particularly looking forward to a Sunday roast. Lucky I told dh as he pipes up 'oh ss asked for fajitas this visit'... right, so when were you going to tell me? Equally that's kind of nuts considering you're not even fondvof fajitas and dd definitely doesn't like them!

Ss birthday went OK until social media

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We somehow managed to pull of ss 12 birthday without any agro 

Given we'd planned something for the day, got it dropped on us that we shouldn't feed him too much as bms doing a meal on the night, AND oops she  forgot he'd got football all morning. That sort of lark...

This morning dh woke up and said 'what the?!'

Ss is liking dh fb posts... So just turned 12 is apparently the age to start a tik tok and fb account, despite it not being allowed in the UK at least?

Ah the joy of Christmas

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Bm didn't let dh have ss on Christmas eve or day for ten years, til she got put in her place at mediation last December. Dh was so happy, he used to get so depressed at Christmas... 

Yesterday he emails to check in good time that the schedule would be the opposite of last year. She fired back straight away that 'I am having him on Christmas eve and Christmas day as you did last year' that's not what happened at all. She allowed him to stay with us  Christmas eve, Xmas day morning and demanded he be returned for lunch.

Am I being selfish

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Probably (eye roll)

Its my 41st in December, didn't do anything for my 40th due to covid, and still can't do a lot now. But even if you do something like a chalet with a hot tub the prices have rocketed...dh announces that he would like to do so for me. Woohoo, wonderful lovely!

First he said shall we take dd6. Well yes, firstly as I'd like to take her, secondly there is only his parents to ask to have her. And, I've already booked a surprise kid free spa for his birthday in the next fortnight! So I don't want them asked again.

Made a change

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Either ss has been replaced by an alien lookalike or he might be growing up a bit. He was very very good with the little ones at bds birthday party, and dashed about doing lots of chores like handing out sweetcones. I was so impressed I made sure dh messaged him after to thank him very much for being a star.

A tolerable summer

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In the main ss is maturing hopefully, and bm was put in her place to an extent back at mediation in December, so, I thought things were progressing to point I could engage a little more.

We took ss away camping with friends, dd is actually friends with our friends son (ages 5 and 7) so ss 11 had to come down to her their level and consistently help the boy of 7 gang up on dd. But we all survived, just. 
