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DH wants to fight for custody of SS10

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DH wants us to keep SS10 for two more weeks while BM tries to find a way to fix her bed bug problem. DH had a heart to heart with me about how he is fed up with BM2 and her bull and how having SS10 here makes him feel complete and that he is happiest when he is with all his boys. He gave me props for being a great SM and mom to his kids and how he couldn't have picked a better woman. And then he sprung on me the question of how I would feel if he wanted to fight for custody of SS10.

BM has bed bugs and wants SS10 to stay an extra week

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Gosh what a mess. Ok so BM2 has bed bugs again. the last time she had bed bugs DH paid to get her mobile home heated re-carpeted and refurnished and to get all of her and SS10's clothes dry cleaned and sealed. All of that came out of our pockets which is the first annoying thing but we had to so that SS10 could have a place to sleep because they live in another state. So now the bed bugs have returned. SS10 was suppose to catch a plane home on Friday. But BM says he can't go home because of the bed bugs.

O.T/ clogged ear

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SS10 has had a clogged ear for the past 3 days. We tried all the internet remedies and nothing seems to work. He keeps putting his finger in his ear and wiggling it because he said that it gets un-clogged for a bit when he does that but I don't want him to end up with an ear ache. Using a q-tip just makes it worse.

Do any of you guys have a simple solution?

My baby is just as much apart of DH as the stepkids

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amber3902's post got me boiling and stirred up some feelings. I am white Canadian but I was raised in west Virginia so I have an accent and I'm just your typical blonde haired blue eyed petite (still have a little baby weight) country girl. DH is mixed African American and white. His father is African American and he swears my baby is not DH's because he has blonde hair. We did a paternity test but still DH's family looks at me sideways and will love all over the stepkids but will not even hold or say hi to baby. It really does hurt me.

Am I being over protective?

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I have learned a lot from you guys about what I do right as a parent and also got it handed to me for what I've done wrong and I always appreciate it. I've learned there is a time to chill out and pick my battles and their are times to punish more than just a stern talking to. Well enough rambling here is the problem. SS5 and SS10 were watching my recording of so you think you can dance and I asked them to watch something else because there is a lot of butt grabbing and grinding in that episode and I know SS5 and I don't want him trying to emulate that with the little girls he plays with.

SS just threw a freaking Bottle at me!

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I kid you not. This kid has lost his mind. I was cleaning out the garage and he sees some soda bottles that I have stored for my brother. (my brother lives in a small apartment and his coupon stash Is here). I told SS10 no we don't drink soda but he can have apple juice. This kid picked up a bottle and threw it and it hit my back. DH came out and swooped him up by the back of his shirt and gave him an earful. SS said he wasn't trying to hit me he was just mad and threw it.

I can't believe this freaking just happened . Part of me wanted to throw one back.

How do you influence your step kids in a positive way?

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I want my son and my stepkids to grow up and be good men and good human beings. But in today's society we have so many things influencing our kids. From the internet to TV/video games, radio and friends at school. We can't cant monitor them 24/7 especially when they grow older.

How to nicely say "leave me alone"!

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Its my day off and I can't get any me time or any peace. SS5 knocks on my door at 7am asking me to make him some cereal. I told him to wait a little bit. I look over and baby is standing up in his crib bouncing. I'm thinking (great no sleeping in for me). I start to change baby's diaper and SS5 comes back banging on the door and crying about how hungry he is. I try to tell him to be quiet DH worked all night and is trying to sleep. So I changed baby and made him cereal. He still won't leave me alone.

O/T Help! how do you get a 7 month old to sleep through the night

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Baby use to sleep through the night fine. When SS10 came we turned baby's room into his room because the guest room is under renovation ( which just means the flooring is chipped badly and the paint is pealing and we can't afford to get it fixed right now) anyways because of that baby sleeps in my room. Every night at around 12 like clock work he wakes up and sits up in his crib and starts whaling. I feed him sooth him and walk around rocking him back to sleep. I have to work early mornings and my eyes are like blood shot right now I am so tired.
