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oncechoosetosmile's Blog

I shoot myself.....s...t...!

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I totally forgot the thought of it.But this month is supposed to be the month where we are supposed to get SD 8 princess mini wife for 2 whole weeks since BM gets married overseas. I honestly thought about this as something far far away, but today it hit me that it is may now and this is going to happen.I want to puke.Any encouragements?Or- can I come and live in anyones house while she resides in mine????I clean and buy wine!!O god. :((( :sick:

That moment when SO finally has a job interview.....

oncechoosetosmile's picture

....and when the question come why he left that particular job 5 years ago, he says it was because his wife (!) left him (not former wife, he says wife) and he had shared custody for his child.
Yeah, SO -good bye to this job where is a bit of travelling involved- after all they know now that you need to "look after" your child as a priority !! Man!! Every mother knows that saying such things is a no no!!!!! But a guy even worse.

O/T Help!!!!!!!!!ex husband wants to move into the neighbourhood- please pray it is not happening!!!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

:jawdrop: I am totally stressed because I found out that Exhb and his gf want to move into our immediate neighbourhood (the kids were telling me and the gf texted me about being in the area) I feel threatened by this since exhb already caused me so much stress and the last thing I want is to have him anywhere near me.I don't understand why they even consider this-there are several suburbs closer to their work and although ours is very, very nice and upmarket there are so many other suburbs that are as good as this one.

I (BM) have to support SM for my own kids, weird world!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

I am BM to three kids (9,13, 17)and SM to SD 8. My silly exhb is very lucky these days to date a lovely lady with three Kids (20, 17, 2- last one not from him).This lovely lady, let's call her LL, ran into her new role as a stepmom for my kids very quickly, moved in with exhb one month ago, full of idealistic ideas and values that she shared with me, since we like each other and talk sometimes.LL also seems to adore exhb , who is a succesful scientist and didn't seem to mind that he is a total child and has zero social skills, good for him.

councelling next step- how to find a good one?

oncechoosetosmile's picture

SO wants us to do some councelling- for his anger issues (screaming) and also for us because we have issues with the kids.I think this is a great idea and gives me some home.However I am concerned that it can make things worse! i remember there was a lady with a horrible horrible teenage SD who wanted nothing else than to destroy her SM and Dads rs- that stupid idiot councellor they saw encouraged them to allow her to sleep in between them in their bed!!!!Such stories make me scared!!

O/T Idiotic ex husband about to destroy our holiday plans!!!!!!!!!!Noooooooooooo!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

My idiotic ex hb is a highly intelligent scientist who hasn't a lot of social skills ,but a few anger issues and who only started caring more about our three kids since he stopped dating young party girls and finally found a nice grounded lady, who has a two year old little boy.Ex hb is a narcist as well as a chronical liar, let's call him Pinoccio.
