SeeYouNever's Blog
SDs chaperone is at it again
SD15 starts school this week so BM allowed DH to get her for the back-to-school-shopathon for clothes and shoes. This is an annoying yet expected experience every year
My meddlesome SIL tagged along for the shopping spree because of course. DH was on the way to pick up SD15 and SIL informed him she got her already. We had no idea SIL even knew DH was getting SD.
SIL makes it too many people to fit in one car so she and SD drive separately. God forbid DH and our family would get any time with SD without SILs supervision.
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Dysfunctional in-laws
Jcksjj's last post about her insane in laws gave me a revelation about mine.
My in laws are all quick to say DH is a bad dad because he doesn't see SD or them much and that I'm controlling him. The reality is SD is spoiled and PASed by BM and my in laws are always drama.
My in laws will dogpile on DH to tell him what he's doing wrong and what they think he should be doing, of course they don't have the full story and think he's neglecting SD. One of my SILs favorite things to get at DH is to tell him "You're just like FIL."
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Post weekend vents about DH
Just annoyed with "D"H.
SD15 was here my entire in law clan plus her showed up on a Saturday when my husband had to work. I am still mad at him for pawning them off on me. He doesn't want to deal with his own family and they always bring SD along when they want to come over and know that if SD is with them we can't say no .
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Updates - I wish they would suck up to me like they do to BM
My told my DH to work things out with his family and if they want to make plans with me then they need to talk to me. Right after that my SIL reached out, she still hasn't planned anything. She just told me she has been talking to BM and "I get to get SD for the weekend" and she wants the whole family to meet up at the beach or a park for her birthday (SIL's).
Meat Shields for my DH
The weekend with SD15 is over. It's clear she's jealous of our kids. She had no problem with them when they were tiny now that they're becoming real people she's got a problem. We had to rationalize and defend everything we did for them, from the fact that they "get" to go to daycare (ah yes I get to spend 10s of thousands on daycare) down to giving them bowls for chips rather than let them take from a larger bowl like the 3 grown people. SD acted like anything we did was giving them special treatment.
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"You never did that for me"
Since it's not a weekend for parties or holidays SD15 decided to grace is with her presence. I was a bit annoyed that I didn't know about this until Wednesday and he picked her up Thursday to stay a long weekend. Anyway...
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Yes I know it's SDs birthday!!
SDs birthday was over the weekend. I didn't forget, but so many goddamn people felt the need to remind me. I sent her a gift and a card already and I have never forgotten it but I got texts from my MIL and 2 SILs the days leading up to remind me her birthday is coming. Then the day before my DH says "SDs birthday is tomorrow" and I simply said "I know" because I do know! Was he hoping I had planned a surprise or did he want to vent about how we aren't going to see her until July? Well maybe he could have said something. But the conversation ended there.
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BM won but still rubs it in
The past weekend was father's day and SD sent DH a text mid day. Very formal "Happy Father's Day I hope the day finds you well love you miss you." Her birthday is next week so she's been a bit more responsive this month because she's angling for a new iPhone. DH has told her no on that so she's dropped off talking to him again. He tried to call a few times father's day weekend, no answer.
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You could set your watch by this
It's so predictable. From Thanksgiving to Christmas and the month before her birthday SD will talk to DH almost daily whereas normally it's weeks or over a month between contact. It's obvious it's all about gifts because she won't give him the time of day in between.
She has responded nearly every time DH has reached out to her so far this month. Of course it's because DH has just been asking about what to get her for her birthday. He's already sent a few gifts and it seems like he's planning to send them every few days all month.
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Birthday season
Like clockwork my SD14 will start talking to DH more about a month before her birthday and before Christmas. Well her birthday is a month out so she actually answered DHs call today!
DH, fearing that he won't get another response from SD before her birthday, asks her what she wants. She says a new phone and that BM won't buy it for her. DH says "I'm not interested in getting you a new phone since you hardly ever answer my calls on this one." Oh man bravo DH! Calling her out and setting a boundary!
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