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TheOtherMom's Blog

Little Caesar = SS11

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Today was a Spring Holiday.
We live in a town comprised of 82% Catholic. So really, the town has been quiet because it's Good Friday.
Either way, the skids were home today and it wasn't too bad.

We went to SS9's therapist who is starting with SS11 next week.
The biggest punishment for SS11 is to take away electronic privileges like video games, cell phone, or TV. It devastates him. It makes me kind of ill how he reacts so I brought it up to his therapist and the truth hurt.

Filling Up Again

TheOtherMom's picture

I lied today and feel bad about it.

BM sent an Easter box to the boys.

Maybe it's because I hate that the interloper has power in my life and not because I am trying to let her but because she can ruin their days in a heartbeat, or maybe it is because she told DH "I am a great mother" on the phone yesterday and I am still in shock, or maybe I am just fed up with being JUST A STEPMOM ... Regardless, the package was at the door when I got home and DH was getting kids from day care.

I snapped.

I kicked the stupid box across the entryway.

Gay Vegetarian?

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Sorry, I have one more thing to blog today. It's about sexuality and when it develops.

SS9 is very sensitive to animals and feelings which is the total opposite to how he was this time last year. Now, he grosses out when he sees those little whole chickens at the grocery store because he can tell it is a whole chicken and he gave me a huge guilt trip about farms and how they house chickens etc.

DH and SS11

TheOtherMom's picture

SS11 has started crying more often about the stupidest things and I don't know if it is puberty or his character.

At dinner tonight, the conversation was about how DH and I had long days at work and coming home to the smells of this house - I think garlic is permanently embedded in the kitchen walls - is so calming for us. I asked SS9 what he liked about living here and he said "the swimming pool and hiking in the mountains" (mountains run through the middle of our city so hiking is just around the corner from the house).

Sound the Alarm!

TheOtherMom's picture

I am genuinely scared at the moment (have been since 1pm when I found out).

BM lives in another state. She is bringing her BF down here when she picks up skids for the summer.

I am on full alert. She never does this. It's not like we live in sunny, beautiful Florida.

What gives?

We Have Some Mythology in Our House: Oedipus Complex is Pretty Sick.

TheOtherMom's picture

Last night, BM called. She doesn't take more than 10 minutes when she calls. No big deal right?

It's amazing how 10 minutes can turn a happy boy into a tantrum throwing turd.

As I complain about her regularly and the impact she has on the skids (read other blogs), you will by now know that BM hates SS9 and totally adores, almost worships SS11. Of course, she will never publicly nor consciously acknowledge her hatred for SS9 but its apparent in her behavior and SS9 picks up on it.

To The Dads of our Skids

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We were at Cold Stone Creamery yesterday and I saw a man and a little girl having ice cream. They had to be related because she looked JUST LIKE HIM.

I thought of ST and how this guy was probably a father with visitation so he took his kid for ice cream. He didn't have a wedding ring on and he looked as if he had been crying.

Obviously, I could be way off. Maybe he was the older brother and she the really little sister. Maybe he had allergies. Maybe he had just kidnapped her. Who knows.

Parenting Styles ... How Can it Be Adverse?

TheOtherMom's picture

DH and I are pretty strict as parents. Bedtimes, daily routine, USE MANNERS ALWAYS, that kind of stuff.

The boys both have very strong personalities and when they go to their mother's house they do not have structure or guidance. It's understandable as they want the kids to have a positive experience as the kids are not with them for the year. I get this ... it's annoying and we deal with it when they get back.
