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Something my BS said- thoughts?

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Not sure why I have given this much thought. Really considering all the shit I put up with the skids.

Refer back to my prior blog about Xmas Eve dinner with the skids for some background.

When MSD and YSD got to dinner they did not even acknowledge me or BS9, which is fine. Even though I think its shitty to ignore a 9 year old that you used to be nice to.

Oh just burning my tree right now? Why do you ask OSD?

zerostepdrama's picture

OSD who I do not talk to and does not like me, sent me a FB message on Xmas Eve "When are you taking your tree down?"

In my head I am thinking "I'm burning my tree now, why do you ask?" LOL. Okay not really. But I am ASSUMING she is asking because she wants to use our house to do Xmas with her step kids.

OSD lives out of town, 8+ hours. I guess they are coming today. Staying with BM. OSD has 2 small SDs. My only guess as to why she is asking if we will have our tree up is that she is trying to do some sort of Xmas with them at our house.

The good, the bad and the ugly- this is good!

zerostepdrama's picture

I survived Xmas Eve dinner with the skids! LOL

I was bumming all day on the 24th. Just dreading going to dinner. DH and I made up from our fight the previous day. I decided to suck it up and go to dinner.

SS arrived the same time as DH,me and my BS. It was nice for us to catch up. SS is fine and I actually like him. He was great with BS.

MSD19, GB1, YSD15 arrive. YSD is dressed in ripped jeans and white high heels. WTF. I KNOW DH sent her a text and told her to dress nice.


zerostepdrama's picture

I am already dreading and regretting agreeing to do Xmas Eve dinner with the skids. The restaurant we picked out (because DH has gift cards) is actually a little more pricier then I thought. It's already going to be easily $250+. Okay we have gift cards for a little less then half that amount, so it shouldn't be to bad. But still, expensive.

If your SO never had kids, how would things be different?

zerostepdrama's picture

Obviously I know there are a ton of different scenarios and how life could play out if your SO had NEVER met BM and had kids.

Some of us may never have met our SO, if it wasnt for their prior life with BM.

Just curious though, how do you think things would be different?

All Step mom are mistressess! DUH!

zerostepdrama's picture

Sorry if this has been posted here already.

This is supposedly what another "mother" would have written- regarding the letter going around "letter to my daughter’s stepmom"

All I have to say, is I think its "funny" that she had to write it so that the SM was the "other woman". Really this should be an open letter To the Mistress....

Stepmoms painted as the other woman.... all the time....

Ex, BS, DH and myself

zerostepdrama's picture

I had posted last week about Ex coming to BS's wrestling match.

Just wanted to say that all was good Smile

Ex came in and I was already down on the floor, so I pointed to what mat BS was on. Then I went back up to the bleachers. I spend a lot of the day going over to different families and kids and we all talk about the kids' matches, so I was all over the place.

Ex did come up and sit by DH and when I was there, it was small talk and all was good.

Who let the crazy out (Pardon the profanity)

zerostepdrama's picture

BS9 got a birthday party invite for a kid he wrestles with. It was a pic of the invite and sent in a group message via text. It was sent to some other kids' moms on the wrestling team, including our coach (for his son).

Some people responded back to ALL in the group message. Will I guess this confused one mom (a wrestling mom) and she was like Who is this and how did you get my number.

I agree, if you dont know about group messages or have an older phone, it can be confusing.

Fake Smile Fake Smile

zerostepdrama's picture

So the Xmas Eve dinner plan is set. Sad I know... I know... I suggested it but I thought that DH would forget to invite his kids or wait last minute or it would fall through. Technically, I still have time Smile The more I think about it, and as much as I want to have dinner with my DH on Xmas Eve, I am actually okay with NOT having dinner with him now. Ha Ha.
