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Aniki-Moderator's Blog

OT - Women Wednesday

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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm hard on myself. Hard? Pfffft; more like downright BRUTAL At some point in my life, I decided that if I'M meaner to me than anyone else, their words won't hurt as much. Instead of talking myself UP, I've been talking myself down. In a way, I'm mentally abusing MYSELF. That is SO jacked up. Who else is a self-abuser??


OT - Change

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TheAccidentalSM posted a blog yesterday that partner's are not fixer uppers. So true! I comented (it was a poor example) and the last part was "You should never try to change/rehab/renovate anyone other than yourself." 

OT - Mental Health Monday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I know I'm a little late to the game time-wise. Then again, when it comes to your mental health, ANY time of the day (or night) is a good time to focus on it.

I read something late Friday that stuck with me. Especially since it kept bouncing in and out of my thoughts the entire weekend.

If it costs you your peace, it is too expensive.


OT - Throwback Thursday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Hey, STalkers! It's been a long while since I posted a Throwback Thursday, so away we go.

I was talking with SD28 last night and she mentioned that she and BD want to get a summer vacation with their boys before school starts. And I'm thinking, "School?? Already?!" But July is two-thirds of the way over and school starts in a few weeks. Time is flying. (Someone forgot to tell me I'm having too much fun...) We got to talking about trips when we were kids (oy, I'm feeling OLD!) and SD asked me what my favorite trip was. Hard to narrow it down to one.


BioHo wants $$$

Aniki-Moderator's picture

BioHo has been hurting financially since the CS gravy train dried up 3 years ago. Call the waaaaaaah-mbulance!

As you may (or may not) recall, during the wedding week, SD28 and family 'fled' the 'Ho bungalow and came to stay with us.

Last week, Mr. Pinhead started texting SD28 "U ow ur mom $$ for 2 nights u dint stay". SD promptly blocked him ('Ho was blocked on SD's phone when they left the bungalow).

BioHo wants our address

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Blog Hog today.

Unfreakinbelievable. We've had this house for 5+ years. 'Ho has dropped the skids off countless times. DH has sent her checks. Yet 'Ho called him last night asking for our address.

Why? Because SD25's bridal shower is coming up and 'Ho needs it for my invitation. *shok*

Ugh. I bloody well loathe bridal showers. The last one I attended was my b!tchster-in-law's 30 years ago. Not a fan of baby showers either. The stupid games: tootsie rolls and mustard in a diaper, Purse Raid... I literally cringed just now, thinking of them. Gaaaaaaaaaahhhh. *dash1*

A pHOto update

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Oy. I just got off the phone with SD28. She wanted to know if DH and I had received a link to the beach pHOtos because she had not (nor has SD25 or SS21). Well, I was not about to lie to her and told that, yes, but only to our photos and some with the SSs and Mr & Mrs SS21. And I also told her DH asked for links to photos of the group and "the rest of you kids" but was told NO.

SD: She told him NO?

Me: She told him no.

SD: BD and I paid her $XXX for that photo session! So did SD25! AND SS21! 
