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BettyRay's Blog

MILs Say the Darnedest Things

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DH and I were at his parent’s house over the weekend. MIL was looking at the photographer proofs from our wedding (we were married in August).

She exclaims in shock, “DH looks so happy!”
I said, “Yes; why wouldn’t he?”
She said, “Well it wasn’t that way the first time around.”

She is a tell it like it is, no-nonsense lady – which I love. I had to laugh; it was just the sweetest compliment.


Mixed Feelings

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I don't know how I feel about this. BM asked DH if we'd be willing to take SSons an additional 2 nights a month. BM is planning on working 2 extra nights a month. I know that doesn't sound like a lot but she doesn't know which nights it will be. It wouldn't affect CS, we have them 6 over-nights a month now, and 2 evenings a month for dinner.

I just don't know how I feel about the extra running across town, she's about 30 minutes away - one way. SSons are in scouts, sports and CCD. It will be a lot of driving.

Suggestions Please

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SS11 and SS6 continue to treat our living room like a wrestling ring. They haven't hurt themselves or broken anything - yet. But DH and I are both at the end of our rope over this. Here's what we've tried:

Making them clean the living room when we catch them wrestling.
Banning them from the furiniture ie. sit on the floor.

We've now resorted to banning them from the room. The only problem is then they wrestle in the dining room - ugh. So now we've been making them go to thier room or outside.

The deed is done!

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My FH is now my DH Smile We were married about a month ago. The day was wonderful. SSons were in the wedding and they did a great job!

The best part is that we took a family vacation with SSons the week before our wedding. SSons had a great time and so did DH and I. The vacation was truly the best wedding present we got.


Clothes & Shoes UPDATE

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FH confronted SS11 about the shoes IN FRONT OF BM. He told SS11 that the lies he told were wrong, period. When BM jumped in to defend SS11, FH told her that he was trying to help her out because it was wrong for SS11 to lie to her - his mother.

For now the shoes are off limits except for church and basketball. So SS11 learns to be a "man" of his word.

Boy Scout vent

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SS6 will be a cub scout this year. FH has told SS6 and BM numerous times that he will participate with him just like he’s done for SS11. BM has always considered boy scouts to be a father/son activity. In the past BM has put guilt trips on FH when he hasn’t been able to attend SS11’s boy scout activities because of work.

So what do you think BM did?

She signed up to be SS6’s Den leader.

Strange But True

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SS6 and SS11 both had activities at the same time Thursday. It was our night with SSons so I offered to take SS6 to his activity. FH had to go to SS11’s activity since he had to sign forms for summer camp.

Well SS6 was not happy with this arrangement. He wanted FH to take him to his activity. FH and I explained to him that it wasn’t possible for FH to go to his activity. SS6 then said he wanted BM to take him. Well BM was working that evening and couldn’t take him either. I told him that he had 2 choices:

Second Class

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SS11 had his 5th grade Farewell this week. 5th graders were only given 2 tickets to this event. So FH, SS11 and(amazingly)BM tried to get me a ticket and were denied. FH even called the PTO to try and get me a ticket. In the end FH and BM attended with SS11.

I'm mad. I take SS11 to basketball games and scouts, I help with school fundraisers and SS11's homework and this is the thanks I get? It totally sucks.

I feel like writing to the PTO (they sponsor the Farewell). But I don't know if I have a valid point. So...
