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frustratedinMA's Blog

BM invited DH & I to a party..

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Dh says to me yesterday... Oh.. we were invited to BM's bio daughter (not dh's in any way) upcoming 4th bday party. I said, no.. YOU were invited.. there is no way that woman invited me.. remember.. I dont exist, I dont count I am nobody (bm's words).. dh says.. actually.. she said you as well.. she was very specific about that. He said he told her he would let me know.

What do you mean you didnt have lunch yet?? and more...

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My dh went to pick up the skids on Friday afternoon. He got there at 1:40pm (we live an hour and a half away)... He is told the skids have not had lunch. UMMMMMM... its almost 2pm and she has not bothered to feed her children lunch. Now.. DH and I have been trying to conserve $$ and have decided to go with not spending frivolously.. THIS is an added expense, as now she expected my dh to DEAL WITH his kids being hungry, yet they have been at her place ALL MORNING AND early afternoon. What kind of person DOES THIS???

A great article on the 10 biggest mistakes parents make (ahem.. Bio dads!!)

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Hi everyone,

My mom sent me this link for me to give my dh. I have printed out my copy and am attaching the link here for you all to read and print out as well. Its very good.. and touches on a lot of what we tend to complain about here!! Well.. as far as the skids and the guilty dad syndrom go.. nothing here about the BM needing to be on meds!! lol

The REST of the weekend!!!

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About 9pm on Friday night, my neighbor across the street's son19 had a party in front of the house on the sidewalk and street. This party involved alcohol. They were obnoxious and loud and urinating all over the place (mind you, we live in a NICE area.. not the slums, and not the inner city!) As I have respect for my neighbors (not the 19 yr old), I let it go. I didnt call the cops. I did my best to ignore all this. We eventually went to bed.

Update on my dh & adult movies

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When I got home, I blew a gasket. He just stood there and took my ranting like a trooper. Then, when I went to my room, brought me something to drink, and my cell when it rang. I still refused to look at him or speak to him.

About 1 1/2 hrs later, I went downstairs.. Told him I just want to hear the truth and an apology. He said, because of what you have been going through lately, and not feeling well, I didnt want to bother you w/sex. I am sorry and it wont happen again. I also didnt realize that I had ordered just that much.

I think I have had IT!!!

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I was reviewing our bank accounts to see what I could pay extra to the credit card, and LOW AND BEHOLD.. my Direct TV bill went up $71 from one month to the next. So.. I call.... and was not prepared for this.

Me: Hi, I was curious as to why my bill went from $84/month to $155/mth.
DTV: That was for the purchase of some adult movies at $14.95/movie. There were 7 purchases.
Me: WHAT WERE THE DATES AND TIMES?? Remove ordering ANY movies from my account!

I get off the phone w/that nice lady, and SUFFICIENTLY MORTIFIED!

What do you have planned for Father's Day??

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We have the skids this weekend. Due to my dh usually being away on Father's Day (thanks Military) this will be the first time since I have been w/him that he will have them.

I have tossed around a lot of ideas in my head, but I guess I wanted to hear what other people plan, see if I can get better ideas!

2nd weekend in a row, coming up!

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Did I mention how, because of the crazy bm we have the skids THIS weekend as well as last weekend?? no? sorry.

Ha.. we were not suppose to have them last weekend (a LOOONNNNGGG
WEEKEND) but had them because the weekend before that the BM wanted to keep them.

What does all this mean?! I just got rid of them on Monday evening.. and we will be picking them up again on Saturday am. I do need a break.. and I am not getting it.
