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kimmyd584's Blog

Step daughter is constantly lying and disobeying u

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My stepdaughter will be 13 this year and we have had issues with her lying and constantly disobeying us for 3 years now. Lately her thing is "daddy told me i could" when really, he did not. i feel like she is trying to cause problems between her father and myself and is trying to get rid of my some and me. We have tried everything. Grounding, extra chores. I've backed off from her and tried being more involved and neither has changed her behaviors. She recently told me she does not want a relationship with me or my son who is 4 months.

Baby Shower

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So My husband and I are expecting our first child in September. He has an 11 year old from a previous relationship. Her and I do not have the best relationship. Anyways, I had my first baby shower this past Saturday, and I'm working on my Thank You notes and Im not sure how to sign them. DO I sign them from Myself and the baby? Myself, the baby and My husband, or myself, my husband, the baby and also my step daughter? I can see doing myself , hubby and baby, but feel its kind of weird to include her in the thank you since all of the baby gear we got does not really benefit her.

Grounding doesn't work

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So, what do you do when grounding your Step kids doesn't work? My husband is the one who does all the disciplining but the crap we are dealing with has gone on for over 2 years now and we are at our wits end with her. He has tried grounding her from literally everything to where all she can do is sit in her room. But once she is ungrounded she continues with her bad behavior.

Feeling hopeless

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My SD told me last week that we just dont have anything in common and won't ever get along or have a good relationship. It has been bothering me ever since. Yes, we don't have a good relationship and IDK how that can change if she is feeling like it will never happen. I am pregnant right now with my first baby and we keep telling her that there are only a few months left of it just being us 3 so you would think she would want to be making things as best as they can be . SHe says she thinks things are fine this way but i strongly disagree and so does my husband.


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Hey everyone

I am about 13 weeks pregnant, and have an appointment tomorrow for our first sono. I am getting a lot of people asking me if we are taking my step daughter to our appointment. My SD and I do nto have a good relationship at all. She is 11. Ive also had people ask if i planned to include her in our maternity pictures later on. I have mixed emotions about all of this. HAs anyone else ever dealt with this before or have any words of wisdom? I guess I always felt like a maternity shoot was an intimate shoot with the man and wife.

Ready to throw in the towel with SD for now

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I have tried for almost 2 years now with my SD and it just isnt working. SHe talks back to me when her dad isnt here, she ignores me when he isnt here, barely speaks to me and the list goes on. She has been talked to so many times by her dad that she needs to put more effort in and she does somewhat for a few days after each talk and then it goes back to the same thing. I can't keep stressing about her bc it is taking a toll on me emotionally. ANd now i am pregnant and really cant have the stress of her on me. I feel bad but Im not sure what else to do.

SD issues

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My SD is 11 and we do not have a good relationship at all. I tried so hard for so long and she constantly ignored me and disrespected me that I'm to the point now where I'm done trying for now. I feel bad but it is taking an emotional toll on me mentally that I need a break.
It is awkward when it is just her and I at home. She doesn't speak to me and If she does it's very minimal. she speaks like a baby 80% of the time which drives me nuts.
I am newly pregnant as well and I have a feeling we are going to have major issues with her when baby comes this fall.

SD has no friends at school

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My sd is very shy an socially awkward . I've had people from the school talk to me about her being a loner and that she seemed uncomfortable around other kids.
When we talk to her about it, she says many excuses of why she doesn't do things with other kids outside of school. Either she is so busy, she wants to sing in her room, she would rather be alone and so on. It makes me and my husband sad and concerned she is depressed. I Encourage her to invite friends to do things but I always get an excuse of why she can't.

SD doeant remember anything we tell her to do.

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We have tries giving her daily chores on a chore chart but it was too frustrating to have to constantly remind her to do everything. So we stopped that and Just have her 2 chores each day after school. To feed and water the dogs and the dishes . She is 11. She will have every excuse in the book for why ahe hasn't done it. Taking thing away does nothing unless you literally take everything away. Any suggestions of what to do to have her feel that what we have asked is important to her?


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My SD does not listen to us at all.
Tomorow is her birthday party, and i was supposed to be making cupcakes and doing party stuff all day today. She has been in trouble this week and my husband threatened if she kept it up she would go without a party this weekend. Well ever since then she has been good enough to get the party. This morning, I asked her if she had brushed teeth, washed face etc for school. She tells me she didnt wash her face because she feels like the face pads dont work for her. So she just doesnt wash her face now.
