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zerostepdrama's Blog

OT: Friendship

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How many friends do you have IRL? Average. Do you have a lot? Not many?

What is your longest friendship?

How many Best Friends do you have and how do you determined what is a best friend?

What makes a good friend?

Do you have friends from Step Talk or other online groups?

Would you agree that it is hard to make friends the older you get? Why or why not?

Would you agree that it is harder to maintain friendships as you get older? Why or why not?

How does Facebook or other social media affect your friendships?

Quick update to My tax refund issue

zerostepdrama's picture

Update to that blog which was an update to another.

Anywho- got a letter from the IRS. "Oh you did file an injured spouse form. Exepct refund of X amount of money in 2-3 weeks."

The IRS actually caught the error.

I had given up. Was cool with MY refund amount going to DH's back CS. I figured, best to get it paid off, one less thing to have to deal with BM about.

So it looks like we will be dealing with BM in regards to the back child support for a few extra months.

Step Talk Family Meeting----

zerostepdrama's picture

We need to call a truce.

The drama here is way too much! It's exhausting.

I think we can all agree that everybody is different. Everybody communicates differently. Everybody writes differently.

What I think is important, you may not and vice versa.

What I think is someone being a bully, someone may say I'm being too sensitive.

We are all adults. I think if we dont like what we see or dont agree with something, then we can just ignore it.

How to survive as a SM- Please feel free to add to this list

zerostepdrama's picture

#1- Mind your own business.

Who cares about BM. Who cares what she does when she doesnt have the skids, how much money she spends on the kids, how many shoes she has,etc. Sure we can all gossip about it sometimes but dont let it affect your day to day life. As long as the skids are taken care of, dont worry about what BM is doing.

OT: Buying a new mattress

zerostepdrama's picture

I am looking to buy a new mattress.

Our current mattress is a pillow top. So I am thinking we will get something similar to that.

However I am not opposed to buying one of the more fancier mattresses that are out there.

Anyone have a mattress style, brand that they really really like?


MSD's has no bed, BM's Go Fund Me, OSD calling DH a deadbeat basically and some other updates

zerostepdrama's picture

BM Go Fund Me is still unsucessful. $20. 1 donor. (OSD). Her goal is $11,000.

I was being nosey on OSD's page one day. OSD promoted BM's Go Fund Me on her FB page. Then she had the nerve to state that any amount would help, no one would help her mother out, never even her dad.

Normally I dont engage. However that pissed me off. How about the $900+ in CS that your mother gets from DH for 1 kid!

So I posted a comment from DH's FB "As her father I would love to help but with the $900+ I pay your mom in CS, there is no extra".

How secure are you in your marriage? and how does this affect your relationship/feelings about skids?

zerostepdrama's picture

I think marriage/relationship is where you should feel the most secure.

When DH and I first got engaged and we had to go through the drama/issues with the skids, we were trying to figure out everything. He was learning, I was learning. I had to change some things, he had to change some things. It was all new terrirtory for us. Me adjusting to his bad ass kids. Him, having to learn that his bad ass kids weren't going to walk all over me.
