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O/T - Funny Twitter find

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While creeping around on SD's twitter account (which I do now and then to get a good feel of what she really is up to and thinking) I see she has posted...."I Hate parents who don't teach their children manners"

That is just priceless coming from someone who treats people the way she does. Maybe she doesn't realize that ignoring someone is bad manners, especially someone that makes an effort to buy you things and give you a good life???? Oh but it's ok, its just a SM she is treating that way, we don't count.

Christmas Lists - asking for money/gift cards

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When did it become good manners to ask people for money and/or gift cards?????

Both my neice and nephew (both very spoiled and I'm sure the kind of skids we all complain about) and SD made chrsitmas lists asking for gift cards to specific stores or cash to shop for clothes.

I am embarassed for them. IT's RUDE ! Totally bad manners. Andddddd..... NO ONE SAID A THING !

Who's responsibility it is?

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Ok, I have a situation with my own divorce and ex that I need opinions on. Back when we divorced, 8 years ago, I took responsibility for paying off a joint credit card (his name being primary). Actually part of getting out of that marriage involved me agreeing to take on more of the marital debt than was fair. In any case, during the worst of our ecomonomy I was stuggling and got behind on the payments.

The "Mommy Gene".......

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I read an article or heard a news story or something this weekend and started a conversation with DH about how they now say that some women have a "mommy gene" and other don't really have one. I guess that means that low and behold something is true that we've all known all along - some women just aren't 'motherly'. He commented in some way to infer that I don't have the mommy gene. Even went so far as to ask my DD13 if she thought I had it. Of course she defended me and said I did, I was taken so off guard that I couldn't really respond to him.

Why do skid accomplishments irritate me???

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So SD14's school did an end of the year awards ceremony. She got several academic awards. That's is great. She is smart. I recognize that. I'm happy she is. I'm sure her parents are proud of her and happy they don't have that particular struggle to deal with. But it irritates me to hear about it.

Could it be because she doesn't have to put any effort into to? School comes very easy to her and she gets great grades without any effort.

I wish I were a goddess

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But alas I am only an ogre. I am off to spend 'quality' time with my kids (DH, SD, DD, DS plus a friend) for a weekend camping trip. Since my kids (and skid) are not perfect or 'gifts' to all of god's creation this trip will require patience and much alochol.

I have so enjoyed the posts today. Very entertaining. I think I have gained a better perspective of our BM. I always thought she felt the way Goddess feels but that I must be wrong, normal people don't actually think that way. Now I think it must be true.

I hope you all have an enjoyable holiday weekend !

Help me hold back words

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I am venting her because I value my marriage and if I say anything to DH I will vomit words until they are all out. That will not turn out good. I am only one day out from making the mistake of telling him how I feel and causing an arguement. I have to be strong and keep chanting...not my kid, not my problem.

I've broken my own disengaging rules.

PrincessFiona's picture

I've been holding back my opinion for weeks now and some other stuff came up yesterday that piled on to my feelings about the situation and I couldn't hold back any longer. I've been having a back and forth email arguement with DH all morning. And all I can really say is that I'm sorry I opened this door. There is no talking about the things that bother me without him being defensive. I was right to hold it in.
