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Recent Blog Posts

It's Crazy Here

Sweetie's picture

Well, I am so glad that I've gotten away from those residential issues where the biomom is going to move into the neighborhood. I so remember that uncomfortable feeling where that wretch just kept showing up everywhere. It was truly nauseating.

Makes Me Want to Scream

newstepmommy's picture

BIOMOM is really on my nerves lately. she is doing her very best to ignore me and even to try to get sdaughter to be around just me less.

My mother in law just called me and biomom had called HER about the fact that she wasn't going to be able to pick stepdaughter up from daycare and that she wouldn't be able to take her to softball game. Why wouldn't she call stepdaughter's father, or me? Seems like she'd call one of us before her EX mother in law.

His mommy & her house hunt...

SMIT's picture

Well, just when I thought I was safe from my SS's mommy being our next door neighbor... the house she was going to rent a few miles away fell through. Now she's looking in our subdivision again! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! I hate how she tries to make it sound like it's so much about how much her older son from her first marriage would enjoy living there because a few of his friends live in our subdivision. It is a large neighborhood, but it's OURS and she doesn't need to be there!

Caught in a Whirlwind

Sweetie's picture

Well, I have been busy unraveling the banking mess I've been trying to get straightened out for a couple of weeks. Finally getting it finished up with apologies from both banks after I have completely pulled my hair out. Now I know why people used to just hid their money under the mattress. Smile Sometimes you need some of the services from a larger bank but you also need the qualities of a small town bank to take care of your business.

Tryin to Bend the Rules

newstepmommy's picture

Well, yesterday was interesting. It was 8:00 time for biomom to return stepdaughter after their dinner (we sort of have the reverse of usual custody; sd with us most of the time). Anyway, when biomom got there and realized that she was leaving sd with me only (dad was working) she said that she wasn't going to leave sd with just me anymore - that if she had her and it was time to return her and dad wasn't home; she'd just keep her!

Was it the Itsy Bitsy Spider?

Sweetie's picture

Well, it's been quite a few days since I've logged back in. I've been about out of my mind as I've been bitten by what appears to be probably some kind of spider and have a series of bites and tracks going down my right upper arm. It's driving me crazy. It happened sometime during the night Sunday and I found it Monday a.m. and by lunch it had started swelling but I wasn't too sure what it was. I am severely allergic to insect bites so I had some steroids left and started taking them and using cortisone cream and benadryl but I can't get the redness and swelling to go down.

Drama and Manipulation

smcpaw's picture

Well, so much for "starting over" with my boyfriend's daughter - Friday she called from her job and said that she felt faint and had to come to the house until biomom got out of work. So, she spent the afternoon at the house, had something to eat (claims she hadn't eaten in 2 days and that's why she felt faint - self infliction = I have a feeling the job won't last too long). When I got home, she told me her dad had to bring her to biomom's house to get clothes for her job the next day (she decided she would spend the weekend with us).


cornflower's picture

my SS12 is a very entitled boy. Nothing I do for him is good enough.

I bought him some long sleeve shirts, he complained the sleeves were not long enough, although they were longer than a new one his Dad gave him not 3 weeks prior.

I sewed a badge on his sash (which *I* paid for) and was told that it was on slightly crookedly. (It was, but you'd need to look really really really close to see.)
