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Well, after making the statement that she was never going to speak to her father again, my boyfriend's stepdaughter, without advanced notice, showed up on Friday night because her mother and her had yet another blow out and we have had her at the house ever since.
Let's see...looks like SD is trying to make me think I am losing my mind...has completed deleted the entire entry from wwwmyspace.com and someone has commented on her xanga comments. She's simply too much. But I'm glad to see that the entry on myspace.com is gone. Maybe biomom said something to her...who knows? But I'm glad that biomom had the guts to ask. At least, she took it seriously. It's a start. I can only hope that's how it came about.
This is taken from a blog entry. (Well, "to put it simple, I'm hurt".) Yea, me, too. Then, there are all the nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, describing the word, "hurt". How about we describe the word carnage, and what was left of my husband and I after our lives were ruined? Many of you know what carnage is. I haven't done anything yet, but this SD diva drama queen , is going on and on, how hurt she is. And I'm thinking, "talk to the hand", cause no one here cares. Your Dad isn't MIA. Get a life. He doesn't care. Your behavior has alienated people who loved you.
My ex-wife is furious because I let the kids stay with my mother, instead of my father when I went on my honeymoon. Now based on that one incident, she is threatening me with contept of court, and wants to go back to mediation and force me to pay her child support. We have the kids 50% of the time. I currently do not pay child support because she has a spending problem.
Well last night my SS17 came into the livingroom to give me a big hug. I could tell he was upset but not ready to talk. I made us tea & then he told us that his GF14 has broken up with him. Earlier in the day he went over to his friends place to talk about the break up, & watch World Cup. While they were talking his friend told him that he's been an ass to me. I guess he had to hear it from someone outside the family.
She called last night....Every time I answer the phone and get that "IS MY DAD THERE?" it drives me crazy. Never, ever, ever, ever how are you...the kids?! I have done nothing to this person...accept deliver her father by plane....for a visit for the first time ever!! Loan her my vehicle, look after her child, buy chirstmas/birthday gifts for her & her family. Try to talk to her to get to know her & she me. (After 5 yrs...I don't bother anymore) AND MAKE HER FATHER THE HAPPIEST HE HAS BEEN IN MORE THAN 20 YEARS!!!!! My GOD!! How horrible!!! I must be punished!!!!!
I have been thinking about this for hours today....and I am thinking that I may just push the issue with the blog threats and do something drastic--at least as far as I can push it--because this time I've really had enough. All my husband comments is well, I wish you wouldn't get upset over it, ....considering the source...but I'm thinking this behavior isn't acceptable and here she is 17 1/2 years old now. How many other people is she going to threaten before someone does something about her?
I have been enjoying a very quiet weekend. My husband and stepson went on a trip with the Boyscouts. It is just me and the girls(my dog and two cats)!
The bathrooms have stayed clean, I didn't have to cook and I rented a movie last night that I wanted to rent. Ahhh, the relaxation!
They are coming home this evening and I will have to jump back into reality! Oh well, it was nice while it lasted :-).
My week is going to be very hectic. Stepson starts summer band and we have a bunch of doctor and dentist appointments to get out of the way.
Well, as I wrote earlier this weekend about my SD and her threat on her blog, that was an interesting read. She doesn't even make a new data entry, just edits the last blog entry. But I have contacted the site about what can be done about threats being posted on their sites because it is the 2nd time now they have appeared on her blog site, directed at me. So, whether she read correspondence I had addressed to her biomom, or whether biomom discussed the content of my correspondence, she should not have cause to threaten me, unless she's hiding something?
Funny thing, actually I think it's almost humorous...was just briefly checking on recent blog entries from SD. I had sent a letter to biomom with a check and let her know some information about SD's drug and alcohol usage. SD has posted on her blog if anyone knew that she had been drinking or using anyone else's prescriptions? She wrote on there, she would definitely not do a thing like that. I guess, I'll have to send copies of this stuff to her mother by certified mail to make sure that her mother sees it.