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Is It Just Me?

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I am wondering if I'm just cheap or something. Whenever we go out for dinner either with my husband and ss or if my parents take us out, ss wants to order these big expensive dinners. He is a thin 11 year old boy. Sometimes he eats a lot and sometimes he doesn't. I don't think that he should need to spend more than $10 on an average meal(not a special occasion). Am I way off base here? Somebody help!

Wicked Step Mom

Riley's picture

I have been the SM of 4 boys for tens years now. They are all grown now. Over the last ten years, 3 of them lived with me and their dad.

Long story short, the youngest 2 have been a struggle to endure. Even now as twenty-something young men, I dread when they call their dad; it nearly always ends in arguments because we won't support them financially. They also, on nearly any occassion, blame me for their inability to get help from their dad. (The oldest son and I get along great, by the way. He's responsible, successful, rational, not on drugs, etc.)"

My apologies

Anji's picture

As a stepmother and a BM I must apologize to all of the stepmothers out there that are dealing with hateful BMs. I posted my blog on the advice of my stepchildren's BM. She said that this was a wonderful site and it might be a good idea to let people know that BMs are not all that bad that some stepmoms are horrible also. We happen to get along quite well. We talk daily and our husbands encourage our friendship. She knew what I was going through and thought that this site would help others to understand that there are two sides to every story.

Any advice on how to handle situation??

ItsMe's picture

I've been reading these blogs for some time now however have not worked up to asking for advice until now.... Here is my background: I am bio mom to two kids, one boy and one girl ages 9 and 5. I am stepmom to two kids, one boy and one girl ages 2 and 6. Both my husband and I share residential time of our children with their other parents in joint parenting plans. My husband and I have been together for 14 months and married for 3 months.

Unabashed venting!

sosmomof6's picture

Now I am seeing red.....

We thought/hoped that since my attendance at SS's IEP meeting was cleared by his teacher that BM would find out I was allowed to come on that day.


First she said the school called her after my DH had spoken with them to "see if [BM] was ok with it". From the way she spoke, my best guess is that she told them NO, she is NOT. She said to my H that she informed them that "[YOU] may go", only him, not me. More about how I'm not his parent...will she ever stop rubbing that in my face?

Is this normal/appropriate?

Cindy's picture

My DH and I have been married for just over a year and I find some of his behaviour a little odd when it comes to how he raises his kids. We have 2 - SD14 and SS9 - I have no children of my own. When we first started living together, before we were married, we slept in separate bedrooms, he in with son and me in his bed. Prior to me moving in with them SS slept in dad's bed. We have had trouble getting SS to stay in his own bed even 1 year after marriage.

Let's talk about the bedroom

robinray's picture

First of all I'm not interested in talking about the details of anyone's sex life. I would like to talk about how, in this very complicated life we all seem to be living, you work out time to be with your significant other for intimate time. (Not just bedroom gymnastics)

This is a challenge for myself. Finding time to just sit and enjoy one another's company has become an event which requires its own schedule in our home. For me this is a huge challenge as I do not have my own children and have never had to work around anyone else's schedule.

Helloooo!!!!!! Can somebody help me?

loopylou's picture

Hi! I am newish to this site and am having a little trouble working out how it all works. I can read the posts but don't get how to reply to people or anything and there seems to be all these different symbols of things. I need someone to send me an idiot guide on how to use this site please. I am obviously a bit on the dim side so any help would be appreciated.

A bit about me.....I am a soon to be step mum of 3 boys and live with Bio dad. I have no kids of my own but would desperately love to have one (long story). Bio mum very much on the scene,unfortunately,she is EVIL.

Last nites BM BullS#$%

Shar's picture

Last nite biodad and I *(the girlfriend) went to biodads son hockey game. An hour before the game starts his son calls biodads mom (he lives with his parents)and says dad has his hockey stick and he needs it. Biodads phone starts ringing and of course it is the biomom but he didnt answer it, he knew it would be some kind of BS again. Son didnt have hockey for 2 weeks and it was on her time, so we knew we didnt have stick...just another load of crap...again. Then she calls my house, of course I didnt answer, she leaves a message...Hello this is Mrs.
